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Posts posted by asdve23rveavwa

  1. wow !!! talk about a labor of love !!! :worthy::worthy: thats incredible for sure,great job....those wooden boats ride just amazing....that resto looks amazing... :good: what are you putting on it for an outboard ?? looks fairly heavy...but awesome show us more pics i love the old boats... :thumbsup_anim::clapping:


    Think he put a 60 hp motor on it. Just enough oomph for when he needs it.




    Tell Craig,


    I have 15 of these boats... He's welcome to come up this spring and fix them up for me...






    the capt't





    I'll let him know. If it means fishing all spring, when he isn't working, he might be tempted!


    Hopefully mine will look half that nice come spring.


    Looking forward to seeing some pics of your job!!


    That's fantastic, Frankie! Thanks so much for posting this. Craig must be proud and he should be! It's a beautiful piece!


    Glad you enjoyed Roy!! I'll try to get those other pics soon. Craig is a very humble guy, but, I am sure he is quite proud. He has done an amazing job, almost singlehandly. Think Juli's brother gave him a hand, bending the strips (which is pretty darn hard to do yourself)


    Incredible!! It looks like it is in showroom condition. :clapping::thumbsup_anim::worthy: Very nice to see Craig's labour of love, thanks for posting Frank. Which model is it?


    It's an 18 fter Will. I think it is the Nipissing...I'm sure Bernie could correct me if I'm wrong.




    To everyone else, glad you enjoyed! Anyone that fishes down at Long Point next spring keep your eyes open, more than likely you will see it cruising the bay.

  2. A few months ago I was asked by Roy, and a few others to post some pics of Juli's dad's Giesler boat restoration. I only have access to a few right now, but, figured I'd post these for now.


    Just to set up the story, a bit, when Craig first got this boat as a gift from his wife, it was literally a frame with rotted wood. He completely rebuilt it purchasing all the materials up in Powassan. She is finally ready to go (unfortunately I don't have the pic with the motor, and, totally finished boat yet) and he was hoping to possibly launch this fall. Looks like a spring launch is more likely. Five years, and, about 1000 hours of labour later!! Think he is almost sad that the project is over, LOL!


    Anyways, here are a few pics of the latter stages of the project.















    I'll try and get some of the shots of both the rotted hulk it used to be, and, the finished product it now is, soon.

    They truly are a beautiful boat, and, I'm sure bring back memories for many elder members of the board.

  3. are you trying to say somone purposely put a screw in your side wall becuase you caught a fish, i dont believe that


    As someone who was with Brian, and, helped change the tire...no, we aren't sure what the "person" (I use the term loosely) had for a motive. We do know that it was deliberate, no way, no how, that screw got into that section of the tire any other way!


    Sad that there are people like that in the world.

  4. so whats the deal with the outboard on the back?


    i didn't think they would let you in with a motor on the back, even if it is trimmed out of the water, and your working your bowmount?


    has this changed recently?


    Ryan has a signed agreement with the LPCA, and, at no time is the gas motor ever used. Same as during the Fishing For A Cure event.


    Awesome guys! Sad i missed that. :(


    Thanks Rich!

  5. Looks fun guys. Ever thought of trying a fly rod?


    We actually talked about that while we were fishing, Mike. It would definitely be a great location for it.



    To everyone else, thanks for the comments. We really did have a blast, especially watching the bows following and swiping at our lures. Too bad that season is over, it really is a short window time for that technique in that water, very weather/temperature related. Last year, Ryan, Dan and I hit the same water, same week for an evening fish and couldn't buy a trout. The weather and water temp was just too warm.

    For now, plenty of other fish to be caught this fall...including my favorite November steelhead.

  6. Another inland trout season has come and gone, but, not before Ryan, Tom and I hit one of our local favorites for some jerk/crankbait action.


    Ryan and I have been planning this outing for awhile, and, who better to take along then Tom Cox. Tom was the person with the most pledges at this year's Fishing For A Cure For Cancer event. Tom is also fighting the disease AND is one of the nicest guys you could ever meet!


    The three of us launched bright...make that dark...and, early last Saturday. Made our way to Ryan's can't miss spot for daybreak. The goal was to get Tom his first ever trout. It took all of ten minutes, and, he landed it. A pretty brown, that was part of a double header with a rainbow on Ryan's line.







    The first fifteen minutes saw us hook five trout, including another brown landed by myself




    Both brownies were released to be caught in future years when hopefully they crack that magic twenty inch mark.


    The three of us ended up having a blast with many follows, a few lost fish, and, a bunch of rainbows landed. We also got into a few bonus bass. Smaller silver bodied cranks and jerkbaits did the damage.























    NOTHING better than laughs, friends, and, hardware slamming trout!!! Best wishes to Tom in his fight!! Ryan as much as we razz each other all the time it is always a pleasure fishing together buddy!!! Can't wait to do it again!

  7. , but I know there are people now who do not follow the limit or the slot. If enforcement is not increased to back-up the laws, it is almost pointless. :wallbash:



    That is unfortunate Rob!! Slightly surprising considering Juli and I were checked twice when we were up at Idle Tyme last January. You'd think people would know better, but, greed is an ugly thing.

    I think a limit of two is plenty generous, especially considering the amount of decent perch that can be caught.

    It would truly be a shame to see that fishery collapse completely!!!

  8. Thanks for sharing an adventure of a lifetime Mike and Bill. What an amazing lunchtime read. The beauty of a brook trout is what draws me to them, and, seeing so many beautiful specimens in pristine waters...absolutely priceless!!

    Loved the bit about Bill eating some fish, at least he got a taste.


    Epic, spectacular, amazing, awe inspiring, but, most of all, just a great tale of two friends enjoying nature.

  9. Don't think I've seen more smiles in a long time. Great report and super pics. Looks like some great fun :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:



    What a cool report......some stunning pictures of family fun



    Thanks Joey and Simon! Once, again, glad you all enjoyed. I'm already counting down to next year :D

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