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Posts posted by jbailey

  1. editeddddd



    and what the hell...the manitoubass2 account is now manitoubass2x2? im confused as hell!


    sadly i never got to see tribe live and now i never will :(


    seen De La and the roots tho!


    anyone else here go to any of the rock the bells events?


    In 1 day i saw




    Mr Lif




    The Roots

    Public Enemy

    Immortal Technique


    Cypress Hill

    The full Wu tang clan with a special appearance by redman for da rockwiler


    capped off with Rage against the machine....insanity!


    Ive also seen Camp Lo open for Aesop Rock...which was ridiculous considering no one seemed to know who they were? I slapped fives with sonny cheeba all day!


    ive hung out with Thes one from People under the stairs


    I also saw peanut butter wolf, madlib and percee p in one show that was sweet as well...damn too many good ones!

    Really wanted to see that show. I have seen a lot of Wu on their own or in pairs but never all together, and missed out on ODB.


    Method man and Redman is always a good show.

  2. The reason being the leafs wanted to move on, their rebuilding and this was the first real step, needed to happen sooner then later in IMO...also Kessel had his list of 8 teams he would accept a trade to...MTL wasnt on that list.

    Toronto - June 14, 2015 - Bob McKenzie of TSN has reported that Phil Kessel’s 8 team trade list going into the NHL Draft this month will consist of: Montreal Canadiens, Philadelphia Flyers, Pittsburgh Penguins, New York Rangers, Boston Bruins, Chicago Blackhawks, Los Angeles Kings and the Minnesota Wild. This was Kessel’s list at the trade deadline and it is believed that it cannot be changed until June 30th.


    He would be great on the majority of those teams i think. Pitt is a good landing spot for him.

  3. ill be heading back up to Pointe au Baril next weekend, we are hoping by then the water will be into the mid 50's maybe even 60 (fingers crossed)


    I am kind of hoping that this week will get the spawn out of the way so that the pike are hungry, this weekend might be a complete bust with the pike spawning rather than eating.


    The lake looks very very dead, even when we found the panfish suspended deep they were not interested at all.


    I will be heading up there as well, hopefully those temps increase.

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