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Posts posted by mikeseb

  1. Why all the hate on Italo? lol Personally hes one of my favorites and arent all fishing show guys sponsored by fishing companies? Sure he preaches about sail and rapala like no tomorrow but Ive heard dave mercer trying to "sell" yamaha outboards? Their just doing their jobs. Italo is a great guy, very interactive with his fans he has almost every episode on youtube and if you message or comment a question he will always respond and sooner that you would think. Only thing that I dont get is why he fishes in india so much dunno.gif

  2. trucks are a part of most peoples (including me) fishing gear, they tow boats, haul gear, get you to more remote spots and for me it is also my mobile tackle box (tool box in the bed is FULL of steelhead gear lol), so a truck post is IMO a fishing related topic, if someone were to post about their 91 hatch back civic now that would be a different story haha


    edit: nice truck though, to bad she aint a gm whistling.gif

  3. Ata boy! I think I remember a threat last winter about the same thing, what a shame man. Next time arrange to meet the guy somewhere to buy the roe, and show up with a c.o and watch how fast he craps his pants LOL Nothing like the feeling of busting a poacher canadian.gif

    Well saw one of them roe selling guys. I told him it was illegal and still continued to try to sell it to me. Called crimestoppers and they want me to forward the emails .... Totally busted lol

  4. For sure buddy, Im going to be getting a pfluerger 12'6 from someone on the forum to get me by (anyone have any experiences with this rod?), but I for sure want to replace the aventa for lager rivers and TROUT ONLY from now on haha I now understand why a lot of guys have diff rods for salmon and chrome lol

    Let me know when your up this way.

  5. Very true I lost my first few browns and my first 3 steelhead lol I had no idea of the epic battle I was in for! My buddy was able to land his first chrome however it was a smaller one. You really have no idea what your in for until it take that first run and takes to the sky! Nice work on your first steel head!

    Now that song is stuck in my head....lol...nice shootin bois....i gotta ask Terry....first hook up and landed??? or first landed....inquiring minds want to know...it isnt very often first hook ups result in success but more of a "lesson learned"



  6. Really? It might not fit? How would I go about fixing mine ? I called frank from bronte outdoor he said he knows a guy in brampton who can fix it for 40 bucks, theres another place near franks store that fixes rods as well and quoted me around the same price.

    If your rod is broken in the middle of nowhere, it's actually an easy fix with a graphite spigot. You'll be lucky if your rod fits Misfish's rod because most rods, even of the same model, are different which is why warranty replacement sections from rod companies require you to send in all pieces -- it's for proper fitting. A poor fit usually leaves sections rattling at the joint.


    Misfish, your rod can also be fixed by using a graphite sleeve but it will not be as inconspicuous as a spigot repair.

  7. x2 its disgusting down there, can hardly stand fishing there cuz of the smell and all the idiots snagging spawned out half dead salmon for dinner, cant wait for the snow to keep all those idiots at home smile.gif

    Bill I think the lack of success might stem from the fact that pouring a single bottle of water in that bloodbath of a creek in oakville would in fact double the flow output.


    Stopped by today for a peek while I was driving through, if you are looking for entertainment you won't find a better bang for your buck. I watched a full grown man reel his treble up to the rod tip and jam it in the mouth of a salmon that was gasping its last breath, then drag the poor thing to shore for dinner.

  8. Thanks man I owe you one!! Was it from a 15'6

    Good luck with that.


    I had no reply from Okuma,when my son broke his at the ferrul.BPS didnt even take it back.


    It was the middle section.


    I,ll be in contact with you,via pm, with pic,s of the bottom end.

  9. Some stupid half head nook just broke my okuma aventa 15'6, if anyone has a bottom section to one ( maybe the top of yours broke) Consider it sold lol If anyone knows of any rod repair places please post the numbers!! I guess im on the fly for the next few days lol



  10. A tip if you want free floats, put a cigg butt, if you dont smoke im sure you could think of something else, and put it in the last line guide of ur rod and you can more often than not retrieve floats that are stuck in trees by burning the line that is wrapped around the branch lol Ive done it a few times but with such a long ultra light rod if theres any wind theres no chance haha Youd be surprised how many floats, flies and jigs youll find good luck


    I use a 14 foot as my favourite float rod,over kill for most rivers. And no matter how careful I am, I always somehow get the tip up in some branches

    the other is 11 6 and seldom sees water.

    My go to spinning rod is 7 6 medium for steelhead but I'd love a 10-11 footer

    And my big fish fly rods are 9 and 9 6 in 8wt

  11. I used to live near oakville place and had a turkey that would come on my lawn every morning for about two months! Ive also seen quite a few while fishing bronte, my buddies that work at the scrap yard on bronte tell me that the turkeys will hop right on the roof/hood of a car they are working on and wont move lol Brave little things I tell ya

  12. No Ive never caught one in open water (piers or on the lake) I lost one in the niagara whirlpool once that was a rush! They can be fun to catch if they are fresh and hitting but right now im finding they are stealing the brown trouts attention thus making the brownies harder to catch so the salmon arent in my good books haha

    I take it you've never had an encounter with a 30lb chrome king from the lake.

  13. It is the aventa and ya i know its overkill but i LOVE IT lol Its so long that most of the time I dont need to "cast" and i can just simply place my line in the water and let the current do the rest smile.gif As for drag affecting my presentation? Forget about it the rods so long my line is rarely resting on top of the water. The only issue I have is its a real pain in the asshat.gif for bushwacking through some of the trails, especially this time of year and the spring when everythings grown in. Other than that its prefect! Another huge plus is most of the time, at the end of the drift I can snap my line up and out of the water and fire it back into the top of the run/pool as if it were a fly rod lol This took practice, at first I was severely inaccurate and had even lost a float to a tree lol It takes time to get used to the longer rod but its worth it in the end.

  14. That's really the only thing it could be.


    it was a gross lamprey mark, damn i hate seeing those on fish! I cant wait for the spring when some more of them come up the creeks and I can kill them canadian.gif


    sorry about the mud on the salmon There was nowhere else to land it, the fish was only out of the water for 30 seconds max.


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