Hey everybody
I hope this seasons salmon run has been great for all of you! It been another great year on the eastern tribs. But i decided to Vblog on my trip to the ganny with my dad and cousins. There all on youtube so lemme know what all of you think. I've been an avid fishermen every since i was 4. i read all the forums and see what all you guys disscuss slash argue about. flossing this noob that. Personally we were "noob" at one point then we become "hooked" i guess you could say. If its trolling, bottom fishing, floating fishing, fly fishing no matter what type you like were all out there to have a great relaxing time. Ya you'll get the odd jackass who wrecks it for all of us or the one who disgusts us with the behaviour but all in all were out of the river to enjoy what we love the most.
But ya check out the videos of youtube and if you have an account subsubscribe and i'll return ther favour!
Fish On!