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About Bruski

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    Hamtilton, Ontario

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  1. Yea, and it latterly goes down hill from there. A family member warned me about the new owners of Wolseley Lodge (specifically Harold) and basically said 'watch your back'. The previous owners of Wolseley Lodge were great according to my friend as well. I've stayed at a hand full of lodges over the years and never saw such bad owner interaction to date. I personally didn't have any direct run in's with Harold, but those around me did and I saw it first hand. The food was ok until some stuff ran out, beer ran out and the cottage we stayed in was crampt and water stunk like sulphur (needless to say, I didn't shower all weekend). The following year I stayed at Totem Point and it was like haven and I would go back without question. Tonnes of food, large cottages, great owner hospitality and a warm shower!
  2. has not set their status

  3. Hello Mike, I'm not on this board much and just read your message. I guess there is little else I can say that hasn't already been done here. I'm fairly new to Muskie hunting too. I joined three years ago and I only get out to two or three trips a year. But when I do get on the water, I put on my game face and fish like the season closes in an hour. The September meeting is going to be a great one too. Andy is doing his Pickerel River speech. I remember him doing it a couple years ago with pictures/maps and details since he's fished the area for years. The Hamilton outing to the pickerel river is the last weekend in September, the timing couldn't be better. Last year was my first time at the river and I plan on going again this year. MCI members are all over Ontario (and out east now) with people from many chapters show up to these outings it's a great time to get some face time with people you chat with on the forums. Just imagine 50 or more people with the same passion. I also made it out the the St.Clair outing last June and there were almost 100 people showed up for it. It's kind of funny how when you are at the river, there isn't a sole in site while fishing (you might see 1 or 2 boats), but at dinner time, the place just comes alive. I wanted to help the group out this year, so I volunteered for the Membership position. It's kind of funny and the 'hind site' has proven this to me, but the more I help out the more I get out of it. Mike, I hope to see you at the September meeting. If you fish with others, bring them along too. Bruno Biancucci MCI Hamilton Chapter - 2008 Membership www.muskiescanada.ca
  4. I'm not much of a 'poster' on this site, but do check in from time to time. Great thread, nice to hear the many opinions on the matter. I'm also a member of Muskies Canada Hamilton Chapter. Part of the reason for joining the group a few years ago was to learn more about this whole fishing thing and obviously Muskie fishing. At the beginning I really didn't care much for the group as I didn't know what they did. It's been a real adventure thus far and the future looks good too. I've developed genuine respect for MCI's efforts over the years. Quite frankly I would be just as happy helping out with other efforts and work with other fish species like Trout, Bass or even Carp. I like to fish for them too. Well on Wednesday I got in the truck and drove out to the Toronto MCI chapter meeting. I would of gone to it even if I wasn't a member of MCI after reading this thread and knowing there was an 'invite from the group'. The presentation by Jason Borwick on the status of the project was great! It really gave me in-site into the passion and dedication some people have in this project. Mr. Purdy was also at the meeting. In fact I think I sat beside him while Jason was presenting. At one point, the amount of questions from the group almost overtook the presentation and we had to ease up on Jason, so that he could finish presenting. It was great to see a really active meeting with much discussion. Reading this thread really helped contribute to the development of my own opinion. I too was concerned about the viability of such an undertaking. The idea of all this effort just to create a put/grow/take fishery didn't sit well with me. So, I had a list of questions and concerns that I took with me to the meeting. I'm glad I went and not only did I get answers, but I was able see other aspects of the project I wasn't aware of. There were a few questions on habitat and all I can say is that they have done their homework. Five locations on the lake are great for Muskie spawning and this is where the fish were installed. Other less adequate locations have also been identified and more habitat surveys are going to be done next year. These are my thoughts so far and I hope they contribute to your thoughts on the matter. Bruno...
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