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Posts posted by bassman87

  1. Mexican restaurant in the NWT ???? are you sure it wasnt an eskimo restaurant ??? they do kinda look alike ...btw im still laughing at this ...it turned my day around for the better ...thanks :lol:


    Don't wanna come of rude, but that sounds like an ignorant thing to say. I'm pretty sure "eskimos" or shall I say Inuits and Mexicans would feel alittle offended by your comment.

  2. Hey guys, my names Jason and I just moved to Hamilton, more specifically Stoney Creek. I moved up from Olcott, New York. I love to fish Burt's Dam where I used to live, for Chinook Salmon (boots) and Steelhead. I have heard of really good river and creek fishing around here amd it's almost this time of year. Just popped in to say hi and hoping to have some reports for you guys soon. Cheers.

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