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About cmelnyk2

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  1. Vance, that would be great. Let me know how it goes this weekend. We have a hunt camp right on 522. We are open to any of the lakes in the area. Whichever is producing. Not picky at all. We up next Thursday night, through Sunday. Thanks angain and feel free to pm me. Cheers Chris
  2. Hey All Looks like myself and 9 other guys are heading to the Port Loring area. Was told we will be fishing pigeon, seagull, and the river. Can anyone give me updates as to how the fishing is up there, and the choice of baits? Thanks all Cheers If all goes well I hope to post my first report!!!!!
  3. Thanks for that. I do alot of fishing for trout on G Bay. Are the lakes deep? Would you recommend I take the riggers? Any other help from any other members would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
  4. Hey the members, any help would be great. I dont do alot of posting but, I do read these forums each day. Alot of very good post. Thanks for them. I am heading up to Port Loring and Arnstein in a couple of weeks for fishing. It is my friends families hunting cabin. There is 12 of us going and none of us have fished the area. Can anyone please give me some insight on the fishing up there in this area. We are not right on water, but we are less then 1 mile to it. What catching? (Weekend of 29th) What bait? Trolling? Drifting? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  5. Please pm me. Would love to discuss this with you!!! or email me Cheers
  6. I have the rig, can anyone explain to me how these work? or link me to a website to see how it works? What kind of bait to use for it, in Geogian bay for Salmon. I am fishing Meaford and Owen Sound. Thanks for your help.
  7. Well folks, Holidays kick in this week, and I will be on the water tonight in Meaford for there annual week long Salmon Derby. It started on Saturday and the weekend was crap with a strong east wind Saturday which is horrible for Meaford and a Strong North wind yesterday, but at least we could get out. The 17.5 ft bow rider handled the 3 to 5 foot swells quite well might I add. By 9:30 am, the only boats around were mine and the 2 charther boats which are both over 28feet. Just before heading in we lost a real heavy fish. It was on for a few minutes before spitting it. Grrrrr....... Anywho, just thought I would let that out before asking if anyone here been fishing off Meaford and had any luck? I will update later in week or next Tueasday. Cheers Chris
  8. Just wondernig if anybody been out lately? Looking to head out of Meaford, Collingwood, or Wasaga Beach, or even Spratts point this weekend. Thaqnks for all your help.
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