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About redneck666

  • Birthday 02/17/1992

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    sault ste. marie, ont.

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  1. this is getting outta hand. again you are yet another "perfect" being. im not generalizing ALL southern ontario folks, like i said. a vast majority. if you knew your vocabulary you would know what i mean. enough said.
  2. LOL, ya! im still waiting to see if this guy lives up to what he says or if he's just "Bull'ing" me haha. chat censor.... Bull isnt THAT bad. lol
  3. what is that supposed to mean? i lived down there for about 12 years.... went to school down there. pretty well raised down there. i never liked any of the other kids nor their parents. they were stuck up (child and parent) and usually when there was a conflict they thought they were "perfect". and yes to answer your questions i DID grow up with the younger generation, so i have seen and been put in situations with "perfect" children and parents. if half the people on here werent so obsessed with that fact, they too would be saying what this guy did was idiotic. not trying to be ignorant by any means. just defending mine and some one else's opinion. now im not saying ALL southern ontario folks are like this BUT a vast majority are! And yes, "common courtesy or respect" is a north/south thing. JP
  4. Hey, you gotta remember now. these southern ontario folks are perfect! they nor their childen do no wrong!.....
  5. i told you already, the rapala fishing frenzy for the wii is keeping me under control right now
  6. yea we did.... when it stopped running haha. we coulda limped it back cause it wasnt seized. problem was the spark magically left us. i pull the plugs on my citation all the time, plugs always come out the same. the safari LCE's plugs are getting fouled cause the mixture is too rich. both the safari's are his sleds. one needs gaskets, the other a complete rebuild as you can see. so i just got the word from him today that he's just bringin 'em into the dealer to get it done. he doesnt really have the time to do ti himself. back to the plugs. like i said i do it with my machine all the time. he didnt think to check his plugs before we went out. he couldnt go over 80km/h haha! i flew past him at 130k.
  7. is it? i gotta go get one then. JP
  8. yea.... it was already seized when we got it. oil pump went on the guy without even a whole tank of gas going through the new top end. and we ran mix the one day i had to tow him back. the clutch side carb wasnt sync'ed in right so it ran too lean, we shoulda checked it before we went out. it just wamred up too much to the point the piston started melting. it never really "Seized" just scratched alot haha. we always run 50:1 mixutre. the 377 handles it just fine. brown and dry plugs. the way their supposed to be.
  9. maybe i made it look worse than it is? lol. its not that bad. its just the piston, rings, and cylinder on the one side. everything else is good. needs a new top end. its a summer job. same with my 277. the 467 just needs gaskets. 377 still runs great!
  10. can you till which cylinder went? hahaha..... old man didnt listen when i told him not to use used parts.....
  11. havent even layed a finger on one yet. im no wheres close to a bass pro shops. i gotta go all the way to traverse city in michigan to see one...... i wouldnt mind goin there though, seems like theres lots to do there.
  12. LOL right on man! really? theres no ice? maybe virginia is a little further south than i think, lol. JP
  13. So close I can smell it.... excited to try out my new bait cast deal! gunna be a great season this year. im gunna get off my lazy a$$ and get out there! lol. its about time to invest in a little more tackle too..... damn salmon took most of it...... (berkley vanish=crappy line). im goin through withdrawls not havin any whitefish on the table. shoulda took you up on your offer TDunn! haha, oh well who knows i might see you at the locks goin for them tasty buggers. (i'll be the only one sitting on the bare pavement lol). Who else is shakin' with excitement? JP
  14. LOL! I asked the EXACT same question not too long ago... no one answered me....
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