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About Pete1986

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. So here's my question: when your changing up baits, do you put it straight back into the plano box? Let it hang off the side of the box until its dry? Sharpen the hooks then put away? Spit shine? I have seen people putting a thin layer or cork in the bottom of their planos to soak up some moisture. How do you take care of all the lures in your box? This question came to my mind after switching a big bucktail to another bucktail and thinking 'if I keep this up I will no longer have to wash my lures in the lake anymore, I can just leave them in the box.' Pete
  2. All the information here is accurate except I don't think you can laynch off crooked bay anymore. Betty's got the best baitshop in the area just off the highway just outside of Fesserton. Ill See you on the water, ill be in my blue princecraft fisherman pushed by a 9.9 yamaha. Good luck!
  3. TTT I'm in the same boat as the OP, with so many on the market, and dealing with sales people that don't really know the products it would be Nice to hear what people with experience have to say. Pete
  4. Hey I was wondering if anyone wanted to go chase some fish a week from today? My girlfriend has to be home To work monday so I was hoping to get some fishin in inbetween taking care of the dogs. I'm real close to the credit river and humber river. Any takers? Pete
  5. Well the pic didn't work. Said the attachment was too big. If anyone knows how to minimize pics on the blackberry bold let me know! If not I guess my reports will be pictureless, And therefor just another fishermans storry.
  6. Hey this is more if a test than anything to see if I can load pics from my blackberry to the forun for future reports. I was fishin' last weekend on the mile and caught 2 baby lmbass. Had lots of blowups, I dedicated the day to topwater lures. This babybass was caught on a popper. This was the first change I really got to know my rod , my new 8foot 6 inch pfluger (sp?) and pfluger President reel. I loved it! Casts real nice and the reel is as smooth as anything. I've herd someppl bashin' the president reel so ill let you know how It holds up. I'm pretty tough on my gear so ill let ya know when it poops in the diaper.
  7. I've got to agree. White topwater has worked best for me scince I started fishing. Moss boss, jitterbug, popper, spook, frog, you name itt and I got a white one.
  8. Lol that's funny how that came out, I guess to clarify: since I could walk my parents gave me the top half of a rod that I would poke at sunfish with. I guess they figured that it was safer than running Around with a hook on the end of the line? I graduated to a hook and line when I was 2. 23 now and pokin other 'fish' with the rod now
  9. I have not thrown tmy scum frogs too much as my confidence bait ontop of the foliage is the 'mossboss' The fish love blasting the thing, but often I end up having to dodge the bait that I've yanked out of the water. My guess is the hard plastic is hard for the fish to 'swallow' which results in them not grabbing hold the hook. Anyway, you gotta love the visual of those fish slamming a bait and +1 when you can hook up! Pete
  10. Hello everyone! My names Pete and I've been lurking the board for a while. I've been fishing for 23 yeas, ever scince I could run around with a rod in my hand. I cottage on six mile lake so that is my primary fishing hole. My personam best is a measly 35 inch northern from the moon river. I'm trying to top that fish every cast I take! Thanks, I'm looking forward to becoming part of the community. Ps, I'm accessing from my blackberry so I hope the formatting on my posts is not too attrocious.
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