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About ramgirl

  • Birthday 06/20/1988

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  • Location
    Niagara Region
  • Interests
    Fishing, Nascar, Trucks, UFC, Camping, Paintballing, Boating...this could be along list!!

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  1. Yeah I was actually thinking of going to council about it! And thank you so much for the pointers Remo! Much appreciated everyone!!! Kayla
  2. Thanks so much buddy! And as this is my first time planning something like this simple is definatly what i am thinking...I really appreciate al the help and tips I am getting!!
  3. Hey Thanks so much Nomad, this is super helpful!
  4. No I didn't get offended I just really do not want people thinking that I am on here trying to take anyones cash, I am really just trying to get as much tips and help as possible. I do see where some people are coming from that as soon as I join I make this type of post but as I said I am stricly just looking for a little guidance. And yes his post overall was very helpful which I appreciated I am seeing how much work it is going to be but I am pretty stubburn and determined and will get this done. And it is pretty awsome that you guys were able to make the tourney such a big event in the end. I am not going to give up no matter how hard this gets esspecially because it is for a charity. I have already had offers for donations of prizes which I am so truly greatful for! As I have ben saying, any tips, or advice, or any type of help I very much appreciate from you guys! Thanks! Kayla
  5. Thanks very much Terry... But I did not come no here asking for money by any means, the only reason I posted what I think I might charge is because someone asked in a previous post about some info of what I was thinking. My original post was asking for tips and information about getting something like this togther, which you also added and I greatly appreciate this. I would not come on here asking people for their charity dollars when I don;t have this even put togteher yet... as I said I have only asked for tips and information. So far this board has been great for what I have asked for, esspecially being a new member, and once again I am very greatful for this. I know this board has helpd alot with various charities which is why I felt confident asking for some help on where to get started....
  6. Alright first I do need to introduce myself, I was so rude in forgetting that part My name is Kayla and I am from the Niagara Region. I've been really into fishing for a few years now, love Pike fishing esspecially. I came accross this board last night and everyone here seems very helpful and mature, unlike the other fishing boards I am part of... Now I am doing this al from scratch and I am thinking it will be shore fishing. Also I was thinking this could be done in teams of 2, $15 a team, men and women. I also wanted to have something for kids to but have a prize for all of them for coming out kind of thing and maybe $5 a kid. 12 and under I was thinking? Now for prizes I am hoping I can wheel and deal and get everything donated as I want all money coming from this going right to the programs that are part of the agency I work with. So prizes I am unsure but I am hoping big. I am not sure about where this will take place but in the Niagara Region for sure as the agency is located within this area. I think what I would need the most info and tips for is maybe picking what body of water cause I want it kid friendly as well. Any type of help is greatly appreciated. Like I said I want time to plan this so I am thinking this won't hapen until next June-ish. This gives me time to get everything togther while still attending school. Plus I would like as much input from the community as possible as this is for who it's for. Thank you very much guys!!
  7. Nice Bass!!! Way to go buddy!
  8. Hey boys! I just joined this board moments ago! I was hoping I could get a little help with something. I am curently working with an agency who help people back into the workforce. I am going to be doing fundraising events for this agency and wanted to do a fishing derby type thing. I figure incorporate bussiness with pleasure! Now I have no experience with puting something like this togther and was hoping you guys would be able to give me some tips if possible or direct me to people who would be able to give me some tips and information on how to go about this. I tried to google this but didn;t get to much luck with information... I would greatly appareciate any tip and info that comes my way Thank you so much!
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