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About IGotWorms

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  1. Used to post here a long long time ago. Your post made me actually recover my password. I've got an older one (30 or 35) hanging on the shop wall that hasn't seen the water in years. Runs fine last I tried it (3 years ago?)She needs a home. About 10 mins N. of Port Severn. Shoot me a msg. if you're interested. P.S. Bring beer.
  2. Personally, I think you need to put down the rum and stop posting in the wee hours of the morning! You need some rest... it's gonna be a big weekend, Mr. Bachelor. See ya on the river!
  3. My votes: Chug Bug #1 Zara Spook #2 Jitterbug a close #3 Top Prop #4 (Great for finding fish, but horrible for getting a hookset). Given what swims in the body of water I fish most often, I wash the chug bug more during the summer than any other lure. By FAR.
  4. Tip #1: Learn to fish! Tip #2: If tip #1 is impossible, invite your buddy IGotWorms over to show you how it's done.
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