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About vasyl

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  1. I like small carp!Help me to find any spots more-less 1-2 hours driving from Toronto please!!!
  2. Great!Thank's a lot!
  3. Hi Dan!Thank;s a lot!It's far from Toronto,but I made mark on my map.
  4. Thank's Marko!I see it's big piece of water...and industrial area around.Any idea where stop my car and drop the line?
  5. I live in Toronto,last time I went to Dunnville for drumps,maybe anybody nows a spots more close to my location?Thank's
  6. Hi!Nice catch!If it's not so big sicret,can you give me direction to this plase please?I like carp fishing and eating (I have a nise reseipt from my mom),but if fish no so big(maximum4-5 pounds)and the water more-less clean.Thank's.
  7. Hi!Good fishing!I'm interesting to go there,can you give me direction to spots please?Thank's a lot. :Gonefishing:
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