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Posts posted by duber

  1. Good luck to the OP but I have my doubts this Zebra has changed his stripes.Absolutly the biggest ----head I have ever dealt with.It was nasty weather when we were there and we had no choice but to fish in the bungalow because his "out" huts were not included in the package (he said they were when we booked)and were reserved for millianares and rock stars.I hope the op has a good time and doesn't get into a fist fight with the moron like the guys in the hut beside us did. :jerry:

  2. Being open about owning a gun is risky....I will tell you why.


    True story....very recent....told to me by my son who is a police officer.


    Father had acquired a gun, son was overheard speaking of it. Son was followed home. Son left home. Two men approached the home, knocked on door, mother answers door. Two men attack her. She is tied to a chair, beaten, they want the gun. Mom does not know where the gun is. They break her nose. Mom does not know where the gun is. They break one finger and wait. They break another finger and yet another. Mom does not know where the gun is. They pour gasoline on her. Neighbour notices suspicious car, places call to 911. Something got those two men to leave before lighting a match to her.

    Nice eh.

    They were arrested. She will never be the same.


    Be careful.


    Much easier for the criminals to just hack into the white elephant gun registery than to troll fishing boards for someone to victomize.


    Hope you enjoy the 870.Hard to go wrong with the 870.Just picked up a 20gauge 870 for my daughter.

  3. I have the legend 16 exterminator which is the same as the xgs but does not have the built in tank.I have a 50 hp 2 stroke on mine.It goes 30 mph on gps no matter the load.It has no problem pulling my kids on the 2 man tube.It has handled everything the Bay of Quinte has thrown at it but I need to pick my days on Lake Ontario.I use it alot and have had zero problems with it yet.I love my legend (4th summer) and have no regrets in the purchase.Most posts on here about buying a boat turn into bash Legend posts.You need to look at what you are looking for in a boat and talk to people who actually own the boats.Most people who bash Legends don't actually own one and are looking to justify there own boat purchase.For me the legend got me on the water with full waranty for the best value I could find.Legend may not be the right fit for you but don't discount them because of opinions from those who post without really knowing.If you have the money more hp is never a bad thing but the 50 gets the job done.Good luck with your purchase and if you have any questions about my boat you can pm me.

  4. Yah they went to the double slide.I did alot of research.Probably looked at 200 reviews from "pros" and consumer reviews and didn't find many bad ones.I actualy found more bad reviews on the Winchester I have been using for the past 20 years.I was a little werry of a pump shotgun that you can buy with a 28" waterfoul barrel,a 24" turkey barrel (with fiber-optic sites),a riffled cantilever slug barrel,4 chokes and a cable trigger lock all in camo for $520.00 brand new.Also found out they are the only one to pass a military spec that requires 3000 trouble free shots in various conditions including being totaly imerssed in mud without cleaning.Figured I would give the 500 a go.


    Mossbergs ain't pretty or quiet but niether am I. :thumbsup_anim:

  5. I took the wife and my 3 kids.Cost 54 dollars for a whole days entertainment for a family of 5.Can't really do much for that.Cheaper than taking them to a movie and much better to learn more about something REAL than the fantasy land of blue creatures. The kids really liked the dog trials.We took our own snacks so spent no money on food or drinks.The only complaint I have is for the some of the vendors.When the show says it closes at 6:00pm you shouldn't be packing all your stuff up at 4:00pm.I went to a vendor (who I think advertises on here so no names) to make a big purchase over $600.00 and they were too busy packing up to be bothered to sell to me.Really no a big deal as I can buy it somewere else but still if your open till 6pm it means 6pm.


    All in all a good day for us.

  6. Different strokes I guess.


    I went from the Lowrance to the Vex and would never go back.


    Lowrance works great on the boat so it still getts used the rest of the year.


    I actually have the Vex and Lowrance mounted side by side on the bow of my boat , you can see the difference in reaction time.


    Does the reaction time make a difference in the amount of fish caught?I doubt it.But I like the Vex better.


    The display is easier to see in the sun as well.


    This is just a opinion from a guy who has both.


    Do with it as you wish.


    Hate to turn this into another OFC flame fest.

  7. The only people I have talked to that didn't like the Legend boats are people who don't own one.I've had mine for 3 years and have had 0 issues so far.I really like my 16 Exterminator with the 50 2-stroke.Does 30 mph on the gps with just me or my family of 5 in it.Yah the 75 opti would have been great but I wanted to get a good , brand new boat on the water for a reasonable price.I think you will be good with the 40 on the smaller boat but go with the biggest motor you can afford.Sure some other boats have more bells and whistles but the best bang for my buck was and still is a Legend.Some day when we win the lotto649 I will buy a Lund 2110 with a 225 opti but till then I'll fish the crap out of the Legend.


    Also , I bought mine from a dealer north of Kingston.They are great to deal with.I have only ever had to do routine maintence so I can't say how they are for repairs.

  8. I will take an electric any day to clean 1 or 50 fish.Its faster and I waste less fish with a electric.The replacement blades are 10 bucks at bass-pro.I've used mine for over 2 years and am still on the original blades.


    My 2 cents.

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