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About heri0n

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  1. A couple friends and I are going to camp over the weekend at Bronte Creek, is there anything in there right now? Are there still any small mouth bass? I suppose there would be some resident browns, but they seem kind of hard to catch for a newbie like me... Would I have better luck by the pier? Thanks
  2. cool thanks so much! what can i expect to hook into? steelhead, bass, walleye?
  3. Hi guys, I was planning on going to algonquin this weekend to do some trout fishing, but it looks like the ice won't be melted by then. I'll probably goto Bruce Peninsula National Park instead to do some camping. I would also like to do some fishing as well. Can you guys tell me if theres any place worth while in the area and what I can expect to catch? And I won't have a boat... are there any shore fishing spots? or I could rent a canoe or something.. Thanks!
  4. oh and i guess related to that can you do with a non float rod as well? i think mine is only about 5 or 6 feet long...
  5. Is it okay to use a spinning reel for floating? How effective is it? Not ready to shell out the money for a centerpin just yet...
  6. so the only legit way is to throw spoons off a pier? there's no legit ways to fish in a river?
  7. That's what I meant... How to hook a fish in the mouth and not snagging it?
  8. added another question... bump
  9. Do they salmon come in after a big rain or during? Should you fish on a pier during or right after the rain? And how long before you can actually fish a little upstream in the creek or river (below 403 in oakville/mississauga) ? PS a quick question on the board setting... when i log in and i read threads, the replies only show the titles and not the bodies, but when i am not logged in it shows the full bodies, i prefer this view. I tried playing with the settings but couldn't find how to change this, would be nice to fix it. Another question... I see a lot of members complaining about snagging fish illegally in Bronte Creek, unfortunately as I live in Burlington, this is the only place except maybe the Credit that is viable to visit on a weekday. Can anyone tell me a legit way to catch them if I manage to find a quiet spot?
  10. Hey guys Im going to try catching salmon for the first time from shore from bronte or port credit. I just have a few questions, what weight line should I use, 20 lbs? And what kind of lures should I be using? Spoons? For spoons do you just cast and reel continually? Thanks guys and any other tips would be appreciated!
  11. Anyone know where to purchase them? I searched Canadian Tire's website, they don't list any. Would Wal-mart have them?
  12. its gonna be raining a lot this weekend!!!
  13. Hey Stoty, I'm actually camping at crotch lake this weekend as well, maybe I'll see you there. I can't really tell you anything you don't already know. According to the map on algonquinmap.com, it just shows Splake in Ryan Lake. Crotch Lake, Farm Lake, and Shall Lake all supposedly hold pike though.
  14. cool thanks guys! so are there any lakes you guys can recommend in algonquin or around the area? we may or may not portage... also are fish finders that necessary? I'm sure it would help tons... as I read that 90% of the fish are in 10% of the water... How much are they.. the cheap ones seem to cost about a 100$ are these any good? A little expensive for now.. Would depth maps be sufficient? You can pick these up at the camp office right?
  15. oops heres the link http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=34143
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