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Posts posted by Flappn

  1. Sirius is the way to go. I use it in the City and up in Hunstville area, reception is great. I have the getto blaster for home, the unit from the car slips into it and I can listen at home.


    80% of the time I'm listening to Howard..one thing xm doesn't have.


    They merged in the US but out glorious FCC wont allow it in Canada.

  2. I don't disagree with Seat Belts.......however anything being banned by the Government bothers me. It builds momentum for them to stuff what

    ever rules they want down our throats. If it was a public poll and we could all vote and the majority won...I am ok with it. I don't however like the

    Iron fist running my life.


    my opinion...it could be wrong.

  3. Hey Fishless, I have a trailor on Sand Lake.....I am sure you know the Trailer Park..lake's not big. Beauty Lake and yes the fish are deep in the summer. I've managed to muster up some pike and smallies as well...not many but a few. Last smallie was in the 4 pound range and Dark.

  4. Well, this new "Family Day" cost me a day off in July. We get what's called Floater days around July, August and September long weekends so if the holiday lands on the Monday...we also get Friday off or vice versa.


    Now that "Family Day" has been introduced they took the July Long Weekend Floater day from us to compensate.


    Although ice fishing on a Monday sounds nice...the best day on the ICE doesn't beat the best day on open wanter in my boat wearing my shorts casting to a shore line.


    Can you tell I'm bitter.

  5. This is a hard topic. My parents and grandparents are immigrants to Canada. I know the way they think, the food is there

    go and get it, were they came from it was hard to get.


    I have heard many family and family friends be ignorant when it comes to this Topic and I always let them have it. Fishing out

    of season, poaching things along these lines are wrong. I also have heard hunting stories that would blow your mind. You can not use the fact your english is broken as an excuse. You can't use the fact you didn't know, we are all responsible as outdoorsmen and woman to know the rules. Ignorance is not an excuse.


    The problem is that the $$$'s aren't their to protect what we have. Although catching a ton of perch, crappie and other pan fish is legal, I truthfully do not believe that proper, accurate and yearly studies have been carried out. I believe that the population of all game fish is on a rapid decline and in serious danger. The MNR just doesn't have the staff or funding to

    carry out protection, studies and replenishment of the fisheries.


    It hurts me to take any fish from any lake. I am not saying you shouldn't, I personally just don't feel right doing it with

    what I have seen, heard and know of the current situation.


    I am fearful that when my kids get to the age to enjoy fishing, this fantastic past time will no longer exist to the extent it is

    worth pursuing.


    All races including Canadians need to understand poaching and over fishing is effecting our fisheries. Should people take the law into their hands no. Should people speak out without physical abuse yes. These latest articles have really brought this issue to the forefront. Are people now more aware of what is going on yes. Should we be narrowing it down to Asian's, Chinese and so on....no. I know a lot of other races that do the same. All we can do is keep informing them of how wrong it is and hope that people become more aware. By confronting people when they are doing something wrong, you are making them aware of it and we can hope they will think a little more about what they are doing. Physically abusing them is just wrong.


    Change doesn't happen over night, It takes time. With Patience and persistance it will happen.


    I would hate for somebody to wack me on the side of the head with a 2x4 every time I do something wrong.

  6. I have a Searay with an I/O and I have to tell ya I much prefer an outboard. I bought the boat as it was in mint condition and knew the past owner and the wife was sick of sitting uncomfortably in the fishing machine. With that said....with this topic...I would have to say

    your either an outboard person or an I/O person.


    It all comes down to what you want to get out of the boat. If your going to use the boat on smaller lakes for fishing as well as fun..I would say an outboard it better as you can lift the motor out of the water to flip in the junk as well as pass through areas were the water is shallow. An I/O is great for family boating, skiing, tubing and lounging on the lake as outboards provide a nice area to sit or lie down on top of the motor cover as you see in the picture of the Glastron I/O.


    I have come to the realization the I/O just doesn't provide me with the same fishing functionality as an outboard as well I just like seing the brick on the back of the boat instead of under a cover.


    horse power to horse power I still believe an outboard provides better performance (speed) than an I/O does.


    I have winterized both and they are both easy. The outboard is quicker to winterize though.


    Hope this helps.

  7. Sorry can't tell you were to buy firewood in Orillia, but I can tell you...dry firewood usually takes on a grey ting....meaning it's been sitting for a while. Firewood has to sit for a year minimum for it to be dry and burn well. Also some dry firewood starts to crack...look at the pieces and see if has cracks or is starting to crack. As another person mentioned, it will be lighter than green wood (wet).

  8. The reason it ended that way is because they are making a movie. They had to leave you hanging so the movie does

    well and everyone will go watch it hoping it has the answers. The Producer of the Movie actually directed the episode we watched last night. The Movie will be an HBO special. I was also very disappointed with the episode.

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