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Posts posted by bigpikemike

  1. I don't see a problem with taking a pic of your pb fish, regardless of when you caught it, but you should always be fast about it, wether its spawn time or not. But honestly, I don't understand the need that some people have to take pictures of every fish they catch, have we all not caught many average size fish of whatever species before? You want to post a picture on the forum or wherever fine, but really, how many 15" smallmouth pics do some people have? Spare the fish the trouble and release it right away imo, especially if its oos. I have been very lucky to spend hour upon hour catching big northerns on great slave lake, I have one picture, wasn't my camera and i didn't ask for it to be taken, its a nice pic and a cool reminder of those days, but, a 15lb pike for the most part looks like all the other 15lb pike..., tho it would have been nice to have the camera for the 25lber :oops:


    all they way to great slave lake to catch 15lbers and 25lb being the best...thats gotta suck....my 8 year old catches 15lbers on the ottawa river...lol

  2. Well like i said earlier my 2hp 4s honda weights less then my trolling motor and one year it was the only motor i had (long story) but i put it on my 14ft grumman boat (tinny) with near 500lbs in it and i fished all year with it..it pushed it faster then u think..caught just as many fish if not more...i took friggin 4ever to get places though....lol......so on a side mount i would go as small as u can go and on a stern mount as big as u can go....i love my honda

  3. ok i will get into this one.....braid when propperly spolled and back wrapped will cast farther then mono(normal mono)....i only use fireline as braid....some mono will cast good but not as good....exspensive mono specific for casting will cast farther then braid....heres one for some of u guys to think im crazy...spray WD 40 on ur spool...then watch it cast...omg..and no it wont eat ur line.....been spraying my rods and line with it for years...and ive got mono on some spools 10-12lb test that have been soaked in it for near 10 years and i have never snapped on a fish yet....dont spray in ur reels though...if u do then dont use grease or oil after as they dont mix....when ice fishin only use wd40 on ur reels as it doesnt freeze...on level winds the wd trick is awesome as it cuts down backlashes and when u do get one they come right out in a sec!!!!

  4. no overdrive even if u r towing a 14ft princecraft tinny with a jeep grand cherokee with a 190hp??????.....really cuz i always wondered....cuz it could only weigh about 6-700lbs all together....lets say lees then a 1000lbs to be safe

  5. no kidding...i do it for 80 too....i imagine u r not mechanically inclined but neither was i a few years ago but after being laughed at too many times about easy peasy tasks like this i started to do them myself....try it urself....if u run into any troubles just pm me....after ur done both sides and an hour hasnt even pasted u will laugh and feel great about yourself....u can google a diagram too....if u paid me 80 to do it it would be the easiest 80 bucks i ever earned

  6. ya right....was putting new bulbs in my trailer after an outing...so the trailer is still wet and im changing the bulb b4 i park it in my yard and out slithers a baby california king snake....i screamed like a litle girl...baby or no baby this thing was tryin to get me....i put it in a container matched it up on the web to a california king snake....called animal control and they wouldnt come get it!.....police ended comin to get it and all they did was let it go down the road.....question is how did it get in my trailer and where did it come from?....only thing i can think of is it was somebodies pet that they let go outside....it was an aggressive little bugger...picture this thing slithering out a trailer wire hole while ur underneath there face up to hit changing a bulb and it strikes at u repeatedly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Come fishing in Quebec end of problem.

    In QC spouses can fish under your license.

    Y'know those sorts of marriages are legal in Canada, I doubt the CO would check too hard. :D



    omg too funny....thats what i do when i bring my buddies fishin in quebec....but it costs me 54 bucks to fish for the year in ontario....got to love kaybec 15 bucks for the year and the whole family is covered....even my gay lover (non resident fishin buddy)

  8. terry bass are out of season in quebec too.....in where i am anyway....i was fishin ontario when i caught them with one of those expensive out of province liscenses...lol.....and wallyboss wont stop terry....leave him to me i really know how to get under his skin and i live near him so he has to fish the same waters as me.....i mkae them even more mad cuz i will always out fish them...hahahahah

  9. wallyboss take ur negativity and ur bickering back to fish hawk where it belongs as u can see there is more pros then cons to this topic here...not like fish hawk where the freek out and start crying to the mods and say there are using this post as evidence to the mnr to have u charged......do u even fish? never see u post any pics just negetivity

  10. AHHHH...bigpikemike...nice to see you're up to your old tricks but on a different forum....found a new temporary home have ya??? :rolleyes:



    Mods.....good luck with this guy :rolleyes::D


    ahhhh another whiner that i have blocked....again if u dont like it dont look at it....and if u dont like me....then geeez dont pm me

  11. BPM this is taken form the OFC rules "We would prefer that you do not post pictures of fish caught out of season. " Seems like you enjoy rubbing people the wrong way. Possibly why you got booted from F-H. cause they have the same rule.



    Terry it all comes down to you agree with it and I don't. You won't change your mind and I won't change mine!!!



    well we can leave it at this....the ones who want can and the ones who dont want to take a pic wont.....but lets leave the policing to the mnr and police.....so stop whining!.....got myself kicked off fish hawk for telling wanna be mnr guy whiners like you to stick it.....if u dont like it dont look at it....and if u dont like me then dont pm me!..oh ya u cant anymore cuz i blocked you so u cant harrass me anymore...according to ppl like u we should not even fish a lake if it has oos fish in it...to make u happy when i go trout fishin i will hang a sign on the end of my hook say only in season fish bite this....geezz....stop whining and go fishing

  12. when fishing trout we got a couple of trout and one 8lb splake...we were using spinners and unfortunately we caught some oos bass...as my buddy was unhooking the fish i would snap a pic on the fishes way back into the lake or vice versa...and we had a great shore lunch of splake



















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