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Posts posted by BucktownAngler

  1. my aunt is on the police force in Hamilton.


    she told me last night this sentence has caused a divide among the blue in Hamilton....


    the minority of cops here she advised want to see a full punishment for this murdering man (can't call him a cop, now that is has been let go without pay)....


    HOWEVER, unfortunately the majority of the police here in Hamilton, like the one on this thread, will automatically defend any and all cops, in any and all situations....


    what happened to the "just a few bad apples" ?


    sounds like the majority are corrupt, and not fit to be in uniform


    cant say that im surprised




    A few basic propositions for the legalization task force to consider.

    1. Consuming cannabis is not deviant behaviour. It is normal and people that do so are not criminals, addicts, "pot-heads" or otherwise different from people that don't.

    2. Growing cannabis is not dangerous. It's a plant, not nuclear material.

    3. Cannabis has a huge and growing culture that is much like wine culture - we love the different smells, tastes and effects. We like to talk about it, share it, have fun with it. These things should be celebrated, not marginalized.

    4. Cannabis is dramatically safer than alcohol and tobacco and there are simply no logical reasons why access to it should be restricted any more than those substances. In fact, to the extent that cannabis use replaces or decreases alcohol and tobacco use, it should be encouraged as a public health good. There is a public health argument that cannabis should be easier to access because it is safer.



    they wont consider your post on OFC


    take the time to fill out the survey online



  3. And the guy in the car had allegedly committed an armed robbery with the gun he was carrying. Video evidence confirmed it.


    As for the woman videotaping everything on Facebook, well the day before she posted a video of her smoking pot in the car with the poor 4 year old that was in the car during the shooting. She's no angel either.


    You have to take what the media gives you with a grain of salt because they are selling stories to make money not tell the truth


    post the links


    or is this inside police info?


    Come on up to Barrie and walk the streets after the bars close. You will see why the cops here, get an ATTITUDE. They play nice, then hell breaks loose. Im sure you know the story. This is why they act first at times. Is it right, maybe not, but like Shane said, thier lives are woth just that. Thier lives. The last thing they want to do is TURN thier back.


    It plays both ways.


    Not arguing your post, just looking at it from the otherside.


    you mean Barrie cops like this?



    If this wasn't caught on camera, he would've got off easy. and the other "good" Barrie cops would help cover it up or look the other way.


    Cops never speak out on other cops, its against the brotherhood.

  5. They are not nice for a reason. Too many dicks with the same attitude as JP. I would be on guard all the time too if I had to deal with people like that every day. My life is worth more than that.



    Well they are in the wrong profession if they cant deal with some attitude


    They are a hazard to the public they supposedly serve


    JP is exercising his legal rights...while i wouldn't try that, as it would get me killed in the US, it is his legal right and it is against the law for a cop to violate them




    So many of you say "just do as your told, and obey the law"...well if the cops obey the laws, and rights of the people many of these situations could be avoided

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