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Everything posted by SERG

  1. Hello Guys. Does anybody know how is little lake ? Still frozen? Thanks.
  2. SERG


    take it easy on me guys..)))
  3. SERG


    What's up guys? looking for somebody to go fishing on friday , im home the hole week going nuts, cant wait for the weekend. New in toronto , need a fishing body )))
  4. ok , so last sunday i checked simcoe, no luck, couple of small perch , and froze my balls)) probably not the wright spot .... but summer time im going usually for bass, pike, carp , but im really not picky, any fish its a good fish ( the bigger the batter)))) Thanks to all .
  5. Guys i see you all hungry at this time)) its good)) TAKE ME FISHING = SOME REALLY GOOD LUNCH))))
  6. )))))))))))))))))) work the appetite... sorry cant post it , i dont know how to make the pic smaller((
  8. Hello guys. Im new in toronto , and doesn't really know where to go fishing in the area. Im not a professional but i really love fishing . If there any body kind enough to help me started I can pay in food)))) Im a chef)) ))))) Thanks....
  9. Hello. I never been there , can you fish from shore? and what kind of fish is there ? Thanks.
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