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Posts posted by glenner

  1. Pikeslayer - No, there was no noise, it just seemed to stop, and then start aagain a couple of times then quit

    Smokercrafty - Thanks, I’ll check the breaker and check the voltage when I’m back up on the weekend, don’t have a tester at the cottage

  2. I have a Motorguide Pro series 46 bow mount TM that has worked trouble free until today.

    I had been using it for about an hour when it acted up - it stopped running for a few seconds, then started again with a bit of a jerk, then ran for a few minutes, stopped, started a few times then just stopped for good.

    When I got back I checked what I could, battery is fine, all connections I can see seem fine, it just won’t run.

    Any suggestion on a next step?

    Does anyone know a repair shop I could take it to for a diagnosis? I live in Guelph but my cottage is just north of Orillia.

  3. Wayne, we have never met and I have never even shared a post with you before, but I followed every inch of the journey that you posted on here. Every time I logged in and saw that your post had new messages on it, I held my breath when I opened it to hopefully read that you were sharing good news for your and your family. Often you were, and then would come news of a setback that you Leah and Jen seemed to handle time and again with incredible courage and optimism. I don't think I have ever been as affected by reading of the highs and lows of the struggles of someone else as I was with yours and I applaud your family and your courage for allowing us to travel this road with you and gain some little insight into a truly remarkable young lady.

  4. Two weeks ago, just started on our trip back from the Perth area, pulled out of the gravel road from the cabin and onto the paved road into Perth in my friends Suburban (which I was driving because of his DL situation) and we felt a vibration. I looked at my friend and he asked if I still had it in 4x4 and I said no. Just as he said to pull over, I saw smoke coming from the trailer tire and then it just shredded into pieces. My first thought was "Oh no, knowing how ill-prepared my friend normally is, he probably has no jack or tire iron (he did). Looked in the mirror and a tow truck had pulled in right behind us. Two great young guys, they changed the tire at n/c (made them take money for lunch and a beer) in 15 minutes and we were back on our way. When we saw they had a CAA sticker, my friend said he would call it in and then they would get paid by CAA, but apparently they were out ouf their territory and couldn't do a CAA call.

    Moral of the story is, sometimes the fates are watching out for you, whether you deserve it or not.

  5. I am someone who has looked forward to reading your adventures every time I see you have posted another epic, in no small part because I dream that one day I can experience just one of these trips.

    Am I jealous? Sure. Am I resentful? Not one bit.

    It is obvious from the way you write, and the videos that show your unabashed joy with what you are doing, that you love to share your experiences with other anglers.

    Also I have seen many reports of fly-in trips by others on this board where they mention the advice and assistance you have offered (free of charge) so that they can have a great experience. Those are not the actions of someone whose aim is self-promotion.

    This board would not be as good as it is now without these wonderful reports of yours that offer many of us a glimpse into something we may never get to experience.

    Ignore those who, for whatever petty reasons, will try to bring out the negative, and keep regaling us with tales of your adventures.

  6. My daughter's English Bulldog can snore like nothing I've ever heard before - apparently a breed trait - and used to regularly emit noxious gases that made your eyes water (until they changed his food, thank God). All the shoving and shaking i the world won't get him to stop.

    My Chocolate Lab (who I lost last week after 13 1/2 years) also used to snore but he would also whimper and softly bark in his sleep and his legs would go a mile a minute like he was chasing something in his dreams. At 85 lbs. that would make the bed shake like there was an earthquake!

    I miss that now.

  7. We had Ole Marv cremated too Matt and his ashes put in a nice cedar box with his name engraved on it.


    He's in the den now where we spend most of our time and his favorite toy is with him. You can see it in the picture to his left.



    Lew, that's a wonderful idea, what a great tribute to your buddy.

  8. Happened to me as well on Sturgeon when a muskie tried to take a smallie off my line. I saw him come out from under an overhanging branch and smsah the smallie while I was reeling him in. I won the tug of war but when I threw the smaillie back in, the muskie came back and took him right beside the boat!

  9. I feel for you, it's probably the toughest thing I have ever had to do, and I've done it several times. My current best buddy, Jake, is a chocolate Lab as well and turned 13 last St. Patty's day. He is having a very tough time now and we just hope he can make it through the rest of the summer so we can have one last season at the trailer with him as he loves it there. It's a cruel irony that their bodies fail them but up to the end, their minds seem sharp.

    RIP Copper, I'm sure your 13 years were happy ones.

  10. Boy, that is one "classy" chocolate Lab - he drinks Pellegrino while my chocolate drinks from the toilet!

    Seriously, just great pictures, I envy you this time with your son as my little girl is all grown up and married. Guess I'll have to wait now for the grandkids to take fishing.



    The banana curse is just one of many old sailor's superstitions.

    Others would be opening a can upside down.

    Leaving a knife stuck in wood.

    Making a glass sing.

    Never give a toast with water. Not even to the Queen.

    Two that I got from my father and have always observed - not strictly for fishing, just all purpose superstitions - don't put new shoes on a table and never throw your hat on a bed. Have no idea the origin or rationale for these, but I have found myself following them without even realizing it sometimes.

  12. Catching a fish on the first cast is a bad omen.. Always screws up the rest of my day (Unless I'm steelheading)

    Ha, I agree with this, BillM. I always say it's like when you're golfing and you smoke your first drive right down the middle - rest of the round will be a disaster!

  13. I'm lucky to be married to a girl who isn't a fan of Valentine's day - she calls it the day that a lot of men use to try and make up for what they do (or don't do) the rest of the year, so we have never treated it as anything special.

    Instead, I show up with flowers at random times during the year for "no reason at all" and get a lot more mileage out of that. It's been working for 35 years so i must be doing something right

  14. Getting back to the original topic of the liquidation sale, my wife just called me from the Guelph store and says that the "liquidation" prices are a measly 10% off. One of the people working there also told her that they hadn't received a lot of the merchandise that they were expecting for the sale - a common occurrence before they went out of business was poorly stocked shelves, looks like nothing ha changed.

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