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About brookie87

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  1. Achray is awesome. high falls is a lot of fun. fishing is par on grand and u can use a 9.9motor. boat to the end of grand, portage into greenleaf (longest portage in the park) and your in heaven. theres an amazing campsite with a 15ft cliff perfect for jumping off and the scenery is amazing!! theres a few places on the lake with HUGE smallies! i mean 5lb average!!!! no joke. ive never seen anything like it. and they are the hungriest fish on the face of the earth.
  2. Ive grown tired of the same old algonquin park experience. this year we are heading to quebec (crossing @ rolphton) we havent decided on a lake yet because we dont know anything at all about this area. i know that some of you kind folk have fished these lands and know a few good spots. im not asking for your "gem" but id like to be pointed in the right direction. if there are any places you have heard some good things about or are tempted to try id love to hear about them. id prefer a really small lake with other small lakes around. lakers and brookies are a must. i never keep any fish so dont worry about me keepin all the big ones. ill post pictures of what i catch. thanks alot!
  3. I dunno if you went to pigeon lake or now but ive landed a few nice ones in there. i goto a lake often where you can catch 10 musky on a good day (all under 6-7lbs) a few monsters a year. seems to be the way she goes. its a small lake tho. lots of fun, you see more fish than you catch. topwater is riveting, when you not reelin in the skis its the bass. i hope the musky are hungry next week. have a great night! go leafs go.
  4. What are the best? i got a bull dawg, ripplin redfin, a few large rapalas (including a clacklin rap), a buzzer, size 28 panther martin, zara spook. i catch nothing. I am dying to try the double cowgirl. but the le barons in ottawa doesnt sell em. i seem to catch em best on small crankbaits and topwater - big o's, torpedos, skitter prop, ripplin redfin what am i doing wrong? i had a HUGE lunge on a redfin. all my fish are rarely over 6lbs, i usually fish smaller bodies of water maybe thats why the fish are smaller. i dunno How do you catch the big ones? ppl go by moon phases? i also heard i cant use 10" suckers anymore. that sucks cuz my cat stopped producing kittens a few years ago. thanks
  5. 10 years ago my cousin and i went lookin for muskies on the chalk river. first time on the chalk. we landed a few small ones and fought a behemoth for and hour (he had 6lb line on, so he eventually lost it) has anyone else had luck on this river chain? i heard throu the grapevine the fishing has declined due to AMERICAN fisherman invasion. i want to know if there is any truth to this because im going there in 10 days. any ideas as to where/how to find the fish? - lakes, presentation, time of day thanks very much
  6. brookie87


    this is better than google earth and you download nothing. www.liveatc.net-feedmap-feedmap.html
  7. Probably going splake fishing in 2 weeks near north bay. is it safe?
  8. Thanks for the reply!! The North river is a good place to catch brookies. the closer to the lake the better. you wont catch much in the lake tho. more lake trout than brookies. the far end you should land some specks under some logs. im thinking of going north up the river/creek to little north river lake. I heard some temping rumours. its not in the park tho. If you have the time its worth going up to merganzer lake, its a nice small quiet lake just a quick portage out of north river lakes south bay. you shoud catch a few. but, theres not very many, but the ones that bite are big! i landed this 3.5lb fish at 6am trolling with a worm tipped gold panther martin Gilmour and Brant can be good. the river between the two lakes is kinda fun, shallow sandy bottom easy to spook the fish cuz the water is kinda fast. its tough to paddle back up to gilmour. at the far end Brant theres some willing spleckles along the rock wall. we could played with em all day. pretty small, under a pound. a few are a pound - 2 pounds nice fish. gilmour lake is nice. some brookies and lakers. nice spot for a beachfire. Yeah ive been in he sand lake gate too, we went to eucstach (if thats how you spell it) if you can make it all the way to greenleaf theres monster small mouth and a few lakers. gruleing portage 4.4 kms anyone hear of little north river lake tho? thanks alot guys!
  9. do you have a location scouted out yet?
  10. there is a town in north ontario, with dream comfort memory to spare, in my mind i still need a place to go, all my changes were there ~ Neil Young that town for me would be Callander Ontario
  11. Only two months until trout opens! the best time of year for this god worthy fish. the most pretigious prize in the waters of earth. ok enough! the Brook Trout, or speckled trout. Algonquin park is quite possibly the best place to fish this fish ive ever been, and i want to try someplace new. ive fished multiple lakes along the brent access road (deux riviere) - tecumseh, gilmour, brant, north river lake, merganzer and a few more. Ill let a couple little secret fishin holes slip if you return the favor. like where i caught a 4 lb brookie, or where i caught 15 specks within 40 mins.. if anyone wants to give me some good ideas im all ears! thanks!
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