i wanted to put them in because i was out on simcoe last week and was having a hard time with all the spots without snow on it.i only use the sled for icefishing.
hi guys i was just wondering how you would find out what size the track on my snowmobile is? also what is the right amount of studs you can put on a track?thanks for the help.it is a 1994 503 saffari rally
i have cought steel at the end of aug in calidonia,there are not big # but thay are there.All this rain and cool weather that we are going to start getting should get them movin.
hi! i have just gotten into trolling and i was just wondering what types of spoons or plugs to run and colours for lake ontario ,and lake erie walleye/steel.thanxs guys!
hi!i was just wondering how i would know if i need a short shaft or a long shaft kiker on my boat.i will be putting on a kiker bracket because i cant mount it on the back of my boat.thanx!
i want to put a kiker on the back of my prince craft but i have no way of mounting it but to put on a kiker bracket.how would i know if i need a long or short shaft motor?
i have been thinking about getting a kiker on my boat but i need a bracket any 1 know if this is a good bracket,u can also get a mount that the bracket slides in and locks so u can take the bracket off whenever u like.
hi im looking to put a kiker on my boat but it is a bass boat style so i cant mount the motor directly on the transom.i will prob need a motor bracket any1 know of any good brackets?i was also wondering what size kiker i should get for my 17 foot aluminum boat?thanx!