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Everything posted by Mandy

  1. Hi folks! Volunteers are needed to work the CRAA booth for a few hours on any day during the show. All that is required, is putting in a little time at the CRAA booth in the event you are familiar with their work, would like to help get the message out there and get more members! Please send me a PM with your availability and a contact number if you are interested in helping at the sportsmen show! Many thanks, Mandy
  2. This proves the point that we already have two tiered healthcare system in Canada. Everyone (if you can find one) can go see a family physician and not pay a cent. But if you need to see a dentist, massage therapist etc, you are paying out of your pocket and yes, you pay if you don't have extra benefits from your employer. Now, with this said, I am very happy to pay my taxes and see my doctor or go to a walk-in or ER if needed and only have to pull a health card out of my wallet. I have many relatives whom live in the US and most of them have medical insurance thankfully! My one Uncle has had many surgeries and tests that would have lost him house several times over by now if he didn't. The main problem I have with the American healthcare system is all the pill pushing doctors do. My Grandfather was on so many pills that none of us knew what they really did or if he REALLY needed them. But, that's a whole other topic. As much as I would love to see a 100% success rate in patient care in Canada, we need to be realistic about this. Where people are involved mistakes are going to happen, things are missed. My sister in law just lost her father from cancer, he lived in NB. For weeks they couldn't find the 4 brain tumors that were causing him to loose his vision, hearing and speech?! As frustrating as this is, this is what happens. It's also very easy for me to say this as it wasn't my father. I have always seen my family members receive great healthcare in Ontario. If there is a way to improve the healthcare system then I am all for it, but not at the expense of those who can't afford it to begin with. We are citizens of the world and the last time I checked no one human life was worth more than another. Everyone should be entitled to the best healthcare available.
  3. Riparina Rights - Primary Definition The right of an owner to the use and enjoyment of water which flows across or along his land. It includes a right of an owner of land abutting a body of water to make use of the water area for piers, boat houses, for fishing, boating and navigation, and the right of access for such purposes, which right is limited by public need if on a navigable stream. http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/rpm-gbi/lexicon-l...e=EN&id=108 Water Rights Water rights refer either to shoreline, riparian rights or to percolating water. Shoreline land title depends on whether the water is navigable or tidal. If the waterway is not tidal or navigable, such as a narrow river, the common law rule is that title extends to the middle of the river. If the water is navigable or tidal, property extends only to the high water mark. Click the link to continue reading... http://www.duhaime.org/Real-estate/ca-re11.aspx
  4. It's true... I laugh, but only because I have been searching for months now...and NOTHING. Wish me luck, I am going to talk to Greenpark again about moving an interior wall.
  5. Sure you don't...
  6. Does this mean we are buying a portable ice hut to go with the portable heater?
  7. http://www.intellicast.com/IcastPage/LoadP...mp;prodnav=none I find this to be the best site to check the weather...looks like it's going to get pretty nasty out there over the next day or so.
  8. Hi all, I was formally known on the previous board as AmandaB (wife of TonyB) and yes, we are still married I just changed my name on the new board. I fished as a child with my uncle in various rivers throughout Pennsylvania (the Mongahela and the Yock (sp) for those who are familiar). When I met Tony, he reintroduced me to fishing and I enjoy getting out the odd day...hence the signature line! Below is a pic of my first large salmon (and largest fish caught yet). I do have one rule when fishing...if the fish is bigger than my hand...I'm not touching it!
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