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Everything posted by smallfry

  1. I hope it is ok to post this on here. This family is deperate to find their dog, as anyone would be but she has been missing since the begining of December. She has been spotted recently but either no one can catch her or just assumed she belonged to somone taking her out for run. I know a lot of people on her live in, near and fish in Toronto and maybe someone has spotted her. The link is from another forum and has all the information. About the 5th post down in the thread is the owners contact info. http://www.pets.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=59211 There are also these two dogs that bolted after a car accindent. http://www.pets.ca/forum/showthread.php?t=59543 Again I hope it's ok to post this and thanks.
  2. Awesome pics and thanks for sharing. Love the pic of the bucks. As for the eagle one way to tell the difference between a bald and golden is eye colour. Golden's have brown eyes and Bald's have yellow eyes, also the legs on a Golden are fully feathered where as a bald feathers sort of stops above the ankle(if they had ankles). This past season at work we had a Golden and I believe they are nesting not far from camp, must investigate this year as our CO was pretty interested. Anyhow it's hard to tell from the pick what colour the eyes are but they do look more brown than yellow.
  3. First I just want to say hello and that I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Now for my question. I was wondering if anyone could recomend a good trail cam not to cheap but not to expensive either say under $250.00. That would be good for both day and night, don't want to go to cheap as I don't want to have to buy another to soon and it's more for hobby purposes. I work at a fishing resort on Lake Of The Woods and thought it would be a great way to hopefully get some neat wildlife pics. Most days are just to busy to go out and walk the bush and days off when I can are for fishing and sleeping. Also any place where I could pick one up in Peterborough or London would be great. I know Canadian Tire has some but I am really not sure what to look for. Thank you
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