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About rangervs

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  1. Looking for a lowrance HDS 12 gen 2 Used is fine. 905-515-8541 Text or call Matt
  2. I have the same unit make sure your card is in properly....turn the unit off and then turn back on...It should detect it automatically. don't put it on simulation mode. Try that and post your results.... I can help from there. Matt
  3. Stayed at Sandy Bay lake nipissing with Jeff. Excellent operator, moved us around without us asking. Very friendly service. Drilled holes for us in the right locations. His knowledge of the lake was the key factor in making our weekend successful. We were on perch all day with approx. hundred released mixed with herring and walleye. Moved up on the shoals in the evenings for Walleye. Had loads of fun. Here are a few pics of our catch.
  4. Stayed there two years ago fishing sucked! second week of Jan. Asked the operator to move us a few hundred yards and refused. I asked him to drill hole and he said no. I will never go to Ravencroft resort again. Service sucked!
  5. http://www.break.com/usercontent/2009/7/ba...ent-803127.html
  6. My group went there last year and stayed at the only lodge on the lake, no impressed at all!! We decided to try this lake after many year at nippissing(needed a change). We were in a small bay and the fishing was terrible. We tried everything possiable. Only managed a few herring and a few whitefish and a few perch. Asked the guy that set us up to make some holes around and he refused("too much work")he replied. Was not willing to help us get on fish and we were the only peaple on the lake the whole weekend!! He had no other clients. If you are going to stay mobile and you can get around then I say yes go for it, but if your going to stay with the outfitter I say forget it and get your money and go elsewhere. He sets up his huts in eye view of his lodge and he will not go any further out. It's your call but I know we will never go there again!! Good Luck!
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