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About Mr.Blondie

  • Birthday 08/26/1982

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  • Location
    Aurora, On

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  1. hey peps where was the cam located? I live in Aurora aswell
  2. I am heading up to north bay this weekend gonna be fishing sat early am and sunday in lake Nippising/collander bay and hopefully be able to get out into the lake. I am looking into muskie and bass. anyone know wat lure I should use and wat section i should head for. Any info is greatly appreciated
  3. great info, bascially the camp site is on Tobermory bog and I dont know the area at all
  4. hey anyone know Tobermory area well for fishing cause I will be stayin at Tobermory Village Campground for the labour day weekend, Its my first time staying up there. Great info and would be greatly appreciated. thanks Nathan
  5. when's the opener? lol I seem to have forgotten when it is
  6. I am a high rise construction worker(Union Local 183) but currently laid off due to winter season and also economy problems
  7. thanks guys I was at the credit river and bronte river today and no luck used roe, jig, and pink worm
  8. I would love knowledge to catch some good steelhead any help on the river would be amazing
  9. Hey guys whats up? names Nathan and I am new here, I have been fishing ever since I was young with my dad, then gear got hung up due to dads workfor many years. but in the last 2 years I started to get back into fishing. last year I discovered float fishing from my buddy and found it intresting. The summer of this year I decided to take up float fishing, but unable to hook some nice fish lol. I have been to a few places like thornberry, been to the notty since I was very young with dad, Rouge river, Duffins creek. hope to see you guys on the river. cheers Nathan
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