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Posts posted by Dano

  1. Yea, the " upper Grand" is considered by many to be a lot farther up than Bellwood. Above hwy 89 it still exists. Unfortunately due to poor planning and cash coppers tile drying their fields, its a dying fishery. 

    25 years ago I could catch natural specks fly fishing. Now, carp, small mouth bass and bullheads.

    Sad tbh.



  2. Lol, no. I never said it was a load or a road, more like an old track. I noticed it when studying topo maps of the area. Plotted it on my gps and well, yea, drove to a put in spot and followed the channel to Little Miss. Yea, it was there. Mind you this was back in the early 2000's. No bushwacking involved, got there in my 2wd cargo van hauling a boat. My gps has never lied to me, it just takes some research and faith. If it didnt work out, we would have continued on to the big Miss.

  3. Thanks again everyone. I have to share this with you. I just woke up from one of my fever induced "naps" and the only dream I can recall is that a bunch of us were ice fishing up north (the usual cast of characters + a bunch more) off of Waynes dock and we tied into a school of walleye, one after another, everyone was catching them. I can guaratee I wouldnt have had that sweet dream had it not been for this thread. Thanks to Wayne & all who replied once again.


    Wayne, hold off on that nurse uni untill I am better please as I have no energy for even that these days...

  4. Thank you all so very much, you dont know how much this means to me. It has been a frustrating road and reading this has certainly lifted my spirits. I am at Ferns place now and she is doing a fine job of being a nurse but I find it difficult as I am quite an independent individual who hates being a burden for anyone though she insists she doesnt mind, I am a very fortunate man that way. I feel lucky to have my friends here too, and thank you all again for the prayers and thoughts.

  5. Roy this, Roy that. Will you leave me alone? I'm doing the best I can! :(


    No doubt Canada played to lose, it ceratinly wasnt just the netminders fault. The whole team right from the centres (centers) on down were sluggish and lacking fire. Good for the Swedes, they outplayed them.

  6. Yup, typical, happens to me all the time too Joey, so take solace you are not alone. Every time I go a gov't centre (center) of some sort things go awry as sure as the sun rises no matter how much prep work investigating I have done. The worst part? You have absolutley zero recourse other than another letter to your MP that will be ignored.

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