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About brian.millar

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. Thanks Cudz. I thought it was a pike until I got it into the net. It gave me a very cool fight I take it this size is pretty rare. Take care
  2. Hello all. Nice to be back fishing again. The other day I was fishing in lake simco, trying to get some pike when this monster smallmouth bite. It weighed around 6 pounds. Whats the largest caught in Simcoe? This fish I caught was the biggest I have ever seen. PS: just in case anyone is wondering, I released it and I know they are not in season. I am including a picture. Thanks Happy fishing.
  3. Thanks people for your incite!
  4. Hello all. Merry Christmas and happy Holidays.... I was wondering if I could get some ideas of a good fishing resorts around 4-5 hours of the Barrie Ontario area. I will be going with my 10 year old. I would prefer to take my own boat if it will save a bit on the price. We are looking for All inclusive meals lodging etc. Any suggestions of areas that anyone here had a good time with would be appreciated. thanks in Advance. Brian PS; were looking at spending around the 500.00 dollar per person..
  5. Wow. Very interesting. Still not sure I can get over the idea of eating carp. Funny how the masses can dictate the norm and how a lot of people follow it. Thanks for the interesting read! Brian
  6. Here are a few pictures of some fish I caught in Newfoundland last summer. We were fishing old school with jigging sticks and line. The Pic with the two fish on one line are called Rock Cod. Not sure if that is a true name or just a newfoundland slang name. The Pic with the thin fish was a Flounder. We never did catch any Cod, but it was a whole lot of fun anyways. The Deepest part of the bay we were in showed up around 400 + feet on the fishfinder. And lastly I got a picture of a Bald Eagle taking flight.
  7. Should have bought my boat sooner. Its going to be a long time until June. Any suggestions on things to pass the time. Hope I dont regret this post haha.
  8. No offence taken. I am on another forum for something else and the Newbies usually get worked over the coles for stupid question hehe. Just taking mine while I'm a newbie here. hehe.
  9. Thanks guys. Easy to miss when reading rules. thanks again
  10. Hi Guys. Just wonderin what the NF after some of the message headings means. Probably something pretty obvious. Thanks in advance. Brian
  11. I have had 3 different Tackleboxes then finally I just switched to a bag. (370 Qualifier) by Bass Pro. I find it much easier to keep things organized. Just my 3 cents.
  12. Hello all. I have been trying to catch some smallies for 2 months now on Kempenfelt with no luck. All I get is weeds. I'm using a ledgend 151 Angler boat with a 25 merc 4 stroke, MinKota Trolling motor all the usual tackle (Tubes, Jigs, Crankbates) I startred late in the season and I know the season is nearly over, but I would like to know where in the lake some of you have been having luck at. Fishing times, Lure colors, weather etc. Any help would be apreciated. I thought it may be the time of year but after reading Gerritt's post of fishing with the the extream X team, I am starting to wonder. Thanks again. Brian.
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