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About Spaceman

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  1. Yeah I know the web page is hurting. We lost all of our links and photos. I am currently trying to update them but I am not a Joomla expert. It's been by trial and error. The activities page is where you can find out what is going on and when. Heck for $20.00 you can even become a bonified TRAA member. Space
  2. You can thank the Thames River Anglers Association for all the work they have done and are currently doing to create a walleye fishery in Fanshawe Lake and the North branch of The Thames. Without their efforts none of this would be possible. I also hope everyone is aware of the new regulations for Zone 16 now. Limits of 4 and 2 respectively with 3under 18.1 inches and 1 over. Conservation license is 1 and 1. I hope people are smart enough to limit their kill and don't kill their limit. Spaceman.
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