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Everything posted by nkranger

  1. me and my buddy went out there 2 weekends a go had had absolutly no luck. We even went to lake talon and had no luck...... 7.5 hours of fishing and nothing
  2. what part of the rouge is stocked???
  3. i went fishing at bluffers park and i started to use worms and bobber and all i got was gobies. Then i went to where the boats are and i seen some fish jumping clear out of the water.. anyone no what kind they may be?? thx
  4. sorry about that hmm well my name is kris, i live near don mills and eglinton, as for a boat -nope no boat, just fishing from shore. But i am not afraid to walk through some bush, creeks to get to some spots. I am not asking people to tell me there spots, just general areas to fish.i have tried fishing in the rouge river all i have ever caught there is a single bass ahha. I think i may have to try using corn. I also heard that salmon or trout i forget which one use the rouge river in the fall. is this correct?? i am going to go try bluffers park tonight as long as it doesn't storm.
  5. hello every1 i am new here and to fishing in toronto. any advice on where good fishing is? doesnt matter wat kind i just like fishin for watever is biting
  6. hello every1 where in ashbrigdes bay is a place to fish?? i have never fished there. If ya no of ne good spots in toronto let me no (fishin from shore)
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