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Everything posted by Rico24

  1. You could always try rope lures to catch some gar. Just google it, and you will find how to do them yourself.
  2. It works well, at least for me it does, i don't know if anyone else tried, but it should work for others as well.
  3. Alright, there's a way to download them without all of those softwares... After looking in the source for the video source, basically where it is located, you can copy paste that after http://www.gettinghooked.net/HERE This may be a little complicated for some of you, so here are the download links for the first 3 episodes. Make sure that if it asks, you want to save these files. Episode 1: http://www.gettinghooked.net/Episode_01_2009_Grand_Cats.flv Episode 2: http://www.gettinghooked.net/Episode_02_2009.flv Episode 3: http://www.gettinghooked.net/Episode_03_2009.flv Alright so seems to be only the first episode with a different name, but it look's like there's a pattern. On the page where you are watching the video, let's say "http://www.gettinghooked.net/Episode_03_2009.html" replace the .html at the end with .flv, and that should be the right download link. You than need some software to watch the flv files, i have adobe flash, which comes with a viewer, so i don't need one, but if you need one, here's a free one you can download that works. http://www.download.com/FLV-Player/3000-13...4-10467081.html Good luck! If something doesn't work, just ask. Rico..
  4. Those are some pretty nice eyes! Must have been a good meal! Good report!
  5. Nice pictures, nice whitie! Good report!
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