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Everything posted by Braz

  1. It was just a question not sure why all the flak and my response to nothing was just to get it back on top of the thread to see if anyone had any advice I get it could have been missed. I am a catch and release guy and it is really for the kids to experience fishing. So thanks for the help if you have any if not I get the hint
  2. Hello everyone heading to Lake St. Peter for summer holiday end of July anyone fish there and any tips you might be able to help with? Thanks in advance!
  3. Thank you exactly!
  4. Yes that in the end is most important. Well said.
  5. I have an idea for taking care of the mentally ill...lock them up so they never get out there is no reforming these people...just like child molesters and all of these sick individuals. I love Canada but we are run by a bunch of spineless individuals. There are no consequences for what you do and that is why it will continue to happen. Ya there is a big problem with the death penalty.
  6. Wow this is a blast from the past for me...I used to spend about 3 weeks a year with my family here. My brother and I fished the hell out of this lake with not much luck unless you consider rock bass good fishing. It is a deep lake so we finally got wise and more experienced. Now we are talking a good 15-20 years ago but there is some big Lake Trout in this lake that we finally found. This will date how long ago it was but we started trolling using Pink Ladies to get us deeper with spoons and we nailed big Lake Trout. To date the only mounted fish I have. Not a big lake but a nice spot. If you see the cottage built on a huge rock that is where we stayed. Good luck and take pictures!
  7. Thanks Justin! I hope to have some pictures to put up when I return.
  8. Hello everyone, First post and new to OFC community looks great. I only fish once a year when I go to the cottage with the family and if I catch anything at all they all go back. It is my second year going to Benoir Lake and I had no luck last year. I am not looking for secret spots or anything just a little advice so the kids can catch some fish we only get a week and maybe fish once a day tops. Would you recommend trolling and what types of bait, lures? Any help at all would be appreciated. I know their is Elephant and Baptiste Lake but I was just looking to stay on Benoir plus I only have a little 14'. I have heard there is some good fishing on this lake. Thank you in advance!
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