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About rbaquial

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    Alliston, Ontario

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  1. The closest Bait shop heading towards Lake Simcoe Marina is somewhere on Ewart St (Convenience Store) on the LEFT (heading towards the Marina). This is the ONLY PLACE I know of - on the way to the lake... Anyone else know of other places, please share!
  2. Hey Folks, I hope this hasn't been posted yet - But I went to the Bait/Tackle Shop there on Highway 89 - Saw a sign "50% off EVERYTHING". At 1st I thought, maybe he's just getting new stock? Turns out the place is closing! Just thought I'd get the word out there....Sad to see his business close!
  3. G'day Everyone, Just a quick one - Anyone know what happened to the Bait & Tackle shop that was at the corner of HWY 89 and HWY 11? I've searched online, and found that they're closed? Just wondering if anyone else has any updated information? I'm hoping they've either re-located or are still at that location? Here's that link I found... http://www.lakesimcoemessageboard.com/forums/index.php?topic=11275.0 Thanks all and tight lines!
  4. Thanks for the help! Hoping more can chime in - if not, this is enough info. Thanks again!!
  5. Hey Folks! Hope everyone is doing well and catching plenty of fish! Been awhile since I posted on here...Anyway... I'm planing on heading to Port Credit in the coming days - question, has anyone been down there yet? Just wondering if the fish are stacking up prepping to head up river or is it still too early?...I don't expect any "hot spots" (I frequent the place myself - or at least I used to, back when I lived in Mississauga). PS: I'll be fishing from shore. Thanks in Advance, A2F (Rob)
  6. Hello, So, lately I've been thinking about changing careers. Currently, I am in the I.T field and im finding it very mundane. I've been thinking of getting my DZ Licence. Now, having said that - I'm pretty sure there are a few truckers on this forum that could chime in. I am looking to take my DZ Licence (Currently I only have a G). Here are my questions... 1) Are there any prior qualifications to take/go for a DZ Licence? 2) I am looking to take a course (the shorter & cheaper - the better) - ANY RECOMMENDATIONS? My only real requirement here is that its close to Alliston, ON. Trust me when I tell you this - I have NO KNOWLEDGE of DZ Licence - so, I apologize if these questions sound dumb! Thanks Fella Addicts for yer Help! A2F (Rob)
  7. Thanks bigreddog! Much Appreciated!
  8. Hello Fellow Addicts, I am expected to head up there again in Aug. - Last time I was there, I remember seeing LOTS OF ACTIVE CRAYFISH (evening) appearing from under the rocks @ Cyprus Lake (White/Greyish in colour). I will certainly be giving a hand at trying to replicate Crayfish... and maybe even take along some inline spinners, and perch like baits. Question: Are there any special regulations I should be aware about in terms of fishing @ Cyprus Lake? (ie: Fish Limits etc? baits? etc..)?
  9. Hi Fella-Addicts! I haven't been around to the area yet - but does anyone know if the marina ice has melted? I'm planning to head down April 8th... just checking if anyone has passed by to see what the ice-status is on the Marina... Thanks in Advance, A2F (Rob)
  10. I was JUST trying now to find these online...cause I couldn't find it elsewhere online for the longest time. LeBaron has them - but only in LIGHT ACTION.... http://www.lebaron.ca/pdf_files_sp13/rapala_f2_rods.pdf
  11. Hi Everyone, About 2yrs ago, I became father for the 1st time - BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD. Anyway, I've always been an avid fisherman (even well before I got married) ... Now that I have a 2yr old daughter - I'm curious on how some parents out there go about intoducing 'harvesting' of fish to their toddlers? I'm loving the idea of introducing Fishing to my Daughter - I just don't know how to go about this - I mean....its a lot to think about... How do you go about it?? Any help I can get from all the parents out there would be greatly appreciated, Thanks in Advance, A2F
  12. Hi Fellow Addicts, I am planning on hitting Tottenham Pond this Friday (11/22/2013) - Just looking @ places to park....I noticed there's a little "U-Shaped" lot (Industrial and 4 Line) - Am I able to park there? I am looking through Google Maps and I've noticed there's a sign there - but based on what I can see - it doesn't look like a "no-parking" sign? I'm not sure. Google Map these Coordinates: 44° 1.310', -79° 48.517' Also.....Would anyone care to join as well? I'll more than likely be all day @ this...depending on situation. (Grandfather is in hospital care (Palliative Care) - trying to get my mind off things for awhile) Thanks All, RoB (A2F)
  13. Fishin'.... That's whats on my mind!!

  14. Nice!
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