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About svukovics

  • Birthday 08/04/1979

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    St. Catharines

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  1. i just started doing erie for walleyes as well. heres what i have run into and may be helpful. i went out and spent some money ($170 aprox) and was able to set myself up with the full gear. A dipsy rod comes in real handy, and for this reason in particular: we were fishing at 60 feet of water with dipsy's at 40... However, a lot of guys were fishing at 90' of water at 70' with better success. A #1 dipsy will do this fairly well, and if you match it with a good rod (dipsy rod around $80 rod+reel), you'll still have plenty of play in the rod. The line counter came in real handy though as we could fairly accurately calculate our depth. As well some good floro line was ideal. I used 17lb test on the rod line and picked up some 30lb test for leaders. This is the setup we went with and was not too costly, but will make it a lot easier to effectively fish the waters. I hope this helps, and i hope it nets plenty'o'fish.
  2. thanks for all the suggestions guys, will definitely put it to good use. hope to have some pics for sunday! cheers
  3. Hey guys, i'm new to this forum and as well to erie fishing. I just purchased a boat, 20' doral, and am using it to fish on erie. I have been doing some trolling and jigging for bass with no complaints. Finding i love the perch coloured shad rap at 20'. Anyways i was interested in getting setup for fishing walleyes in deeper water and was wondering if anyone had gear suggestions. I've heard alot of different likes and dislikes, planers, riggers, dipsy divers... could use some real input though as i don't want to waste money investing in the wrong stuff. Thanks
  4. I just bought a new boat as well and fish out of erie. I launch out of sugarloaf in port colborne. I like to head east towards lorraine point and troll a shad rap that looks like a perch in about 20' of water. been catching 2+ lbs this way.
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