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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Thanks Rick!!! The video is big, over 500MB in size... couldn't upload to Photobucket cause it exceeded the limit The stir fry was one of the best meals I have ever eaten and it is still one I will prepare with fresh caught walleyes Thanks again for your feed back!!! TJ
  2. I know it's kind of late to post but my softwater season ended late last fall and thought I'd share it with you all Great season spent amongst friends and family. Multiple species caught and PBs for me and loaded with wonderful moments... Please enjoy and fish on!!! Note: For those that don't like Rock music, please turn down the volume Sorry for the French caption... https://www.facebook.com/jacques.drolet.37/videos/1165767876839258/ Once you click the link, click on Not now and proceed to the video.... sorry about that *** Forgot to add, ice season is on it's way.... son of a friend of mine caught a nice 19" walleye on the Ottawa river ***
  3. Go get'm!!! Thanks fishindevil!!!
  4. Thanks Musky Plug!!! They sure are
  5. Thanks Rick!!! You are not hallucinating.... those are 4+ smallies you see they were stacked up on sand flats along drop offs
  6. Thanks msp!!! Thanks Gallie!!! Thanks grimsbylander!!! 60 degrees like WSB said Thanks Paul!!!!
  7. Thanks Old Ironmaker!!! It's brutes after brutes in a tourney, we'd of won for sure lolll beard is getting there lolll
  8. Thanks OhioFisherman!!! They sure are Thanks AKRISONER!!! I got those at Sail in Ottawa... Smallies loves them
  9. Whitespinnerbait and I been hunting smallies the past couple of weekends and must say, they are putting on the feed bag Hight light of our last trip, got myself a PB of nickel status for my efforts 20" inches long and 5Lbs even Trip prior to this, took selfies of the bigger specimens Like the title says... they are schooled up but on a scattered pattern.... and hungry We had to work hard to find them but once located, it was a blast Sand flats around weed patches near drop offs and submerged stumps was the ticket, anywhere from 6' to 15' fow.... they were willing to chump on a variety of lures like: white spinnerbait, white Big'O, 7" white shad rigged texas style and Yum Crawbug on a Stand Up Alien Head jig and Thunderstick Surface lures was not producing much to my surprise but Paul did get a few on Chugbug & Spook. All fish released to be fought another day. Now enough of the jibber jabber and onto the pictures... FISH ON and enjoy Personal best - 5Lbs even - 20" long Double Pleasure Another Beast Brute SMB Selfie
  10. They sure are Rick!!! Thanks my man Thanks Drew!!! Just say when
  11. Thanks OhioFisherman!!! Sure did Thanks msp!!! Thanks netminder!!! It was Yes, can't be beat and what a rush!!! Thanks Gino!!! Yes, bull dogging and aerials were the highlights of the fights!!! Loved it Thanks Geoff!!!
  12. Thanks Brian!!! Thanks Rick!!! Very nice indeed Thanks Bruce!!! Yes I know... been a while
  13. Whitespinnerbait and I went on the hunt for some smallies and got a few throwing Chug Bugs and senkos Top water seemed to be the ticket in 10' to 15' foot of water.... nothing big but picture worthy All fish released to be caught another day Enjoy and FISH ON
  14. Thanks Geoff!!! Dinner was awesome
  15. Thanks Rick!!! Yeah, all is good The early season bite is awesome
  16. Thanks Rick!!! Glad you got to try it and enjoy!!! Best meal an angler can do with it's bounties
  17. Thanks Old Ironmaker!!! Congrats on your PB pike!!! Walleye stir fry.... one of the best meal I ever had Good luck on your walter hunt Thanks Gino!!! Second walleye opener with successfull results I love it Thanks Eric!!! Yeah pretty fortunate
  18. No problems Rick, go right ahead You're too kind Dutch... Thanks!!!
  19. Tonight's supper with my daughter.... Walleye in the pan, with stir fry veggies and chicken flavoured rice Mmmmmm good!!! Daughter and I The plate of resistance FISH ON!!!
  20. Thanks Joanne!!! Sorry no pics of it.... but think of an over size plate of veggies with golden goodness in it Thanks Gallie!!!
  21. Your welcome Rick!!! My pleasure
  22. Ok Rick here goes.... First cut your veggies in bite chunks (veggies you like & the more the better) and your walleye filets. Fine chop garlic, ginger and scallions. In a hot wok, add extra virgin olive oil to cover 2/3 of the bottom, a dab of butter, add your garlic and ginger.... let sizzle for few seconds. Add the chunks of walleye, make sure they are laying flat on the long side. Flip the chunks and let them sizzle for the same amount of time. When you see the chunks almost cook thru, add your veggies, soya, worcestershire and balsamic vinaigre (caution on balsamic, just a few drizzle). toss all the ingredients and cover for a minute..... uncover and toss some more.... add bean sprouts and water chestnuts to the mix. When the beans are looking semi cooked, sprinkle the scallions over and it's time to serve and enjoy Thanks Chad!!! Glad to see them tipups doing it's job
  23. Yes a must for sure.... one of the best meal I had If you want, I could give you the run down of the receipe?
  24. The stir fry was awesome!!! I had anticipated a break down in the walleye chunks, but did'nt happen It was one of the best meal I ever had The ingredients that does not show in the picture is, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Worcestershire, Soya sauce, salt & pepper, butter.... simple and delicious
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