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Posts posted by hirk

  1. A good plan would be to take the safety course which will allow you to get your m1 and see how you like it and if your capable all without having to buy a bike or get insurance. If you buy one check insurance premiums on that model before buying it. I started riding last summer with 3 yrs previous experience but had not rode since I was 40 and am 57 now and love it, run to work and all over on it. You risk your like waking up, everything in degrees but if you dress for a fall you are much more likely to walk away.

  2. Hirk: My objective is precisely as you stated - get MNR to come to its senses and stop this annual event that occurs when lethal temperatures occur, and the resource gets badly wasted. I still haven't heard how many fish were caught over the two days (I wonder why the Chamber doesn't post this anymore) , but I'm thinking it must be at least between 250 and 400 fish. Given the conditions, anything that did not die pre-release is now dead on the bottom of the lake. I know of no other wasteful, completely avoidable annual mortality event that is damaging this fishery like this tournament, so what else is worth "lobbying" about? This is going to happen again, and again, and again, as long as MNR keeps signing off on it. ""Improvements for next year" aren't going to stop the mortality.The lake has no problem with early year class recruitment, so reproduction does not appear to be a problem, based on the extensive netting data. Getting rid of 4000 rod hours of angling pressure that is specifically targeting Walleye would be a good thing for the fishery as well. Ethics is a big part of this too. It wouldn't be as bad if the Chamber admitted that it was a mortality event, ran the tournament as a catch and keep, and at least did the respectful thing and retained the fish. This thing is starting to stink like a really bad sporting event........I wonder how many strikes MNR is going to allow before they call the ""you're out"!

    For next year, the Chamber should raise funds by holding an exciting pre-tournament lottery. Call it the "Guess the Can-Am Walleye Mort Count" lottery. Two bucks to enter and even kids can buy a ticket. Have ticket sales at the Home Hardware and Corky's. The winner gets a free Walleye dinner (from what washed up against the dam face) at the local fish and chip shop.



    We can agree to disagree on some of this, I give you credit for doing what you think is right for the fishery.

  3. Hirk: I just read through what I posted, and I'm not seeing any half-twisted truths or false claims. Can you please explain specifically what I've said that you feel I've embellished, or twisted, and I'll support what I've said. If you'd rather I pm you personally, then I can do that. Regarding anything that I've said that hasn't been proven by research, I openly BEG you to call the Kawartha Lakes FAU and request a digital copy of the 1998 - 2012 Sturgeon Lake NSCIN index data. Also ask for the three FWIN (Fall Walleye Index Netting) data files, as well as the 12 years of mark-recapture Walleye data that is used to calculate annual mortality and population size. It's all available to you under the PIA (Public Information Act). Run some simple queries on the digital files that they send you, then think about everything I've said or posted, and determine if what I'm saying is fact or fiction. The lake has the longest running NSCIN data set in the province, thanks to the Fish and Wildlife Program at Fleming College. There is no other inland Ontario lake that has been studied more. The data is pretty amazing. With a mere keystroke, you can run queries to track year class strength, year class progression through the established slot, progression to protected spawners, etc., etc. With it starting in 1998, it's really neat to track the impact of the new Black Crappie invasion. You'll see how it's affected fish condition factor, age and size at sexual maturity, etc. Anyone can become a pro, and analyze the lake's history and population status if you play around on the computer for some time.

    Regarding my work history, I devoted 13 years of my life to studying this lake , so yes, you are definitely correct - it's pretty tough to say there's not some personal "agenda" for having some concern about how its being managed. My agenda is to not to just sit there chewing on a dogshite sandwich, and saying that it tastes good, when I feel it's worth trying to conserve something that is openly being abused. I've been part of conducting 1324 trap net sets (26,480 "net soak hours"), processed, tagged, and mark-recap spine clipped more than 6300 walleye, and run 6100 meters of gill net over two FWIN surveys, all on this little Kawartha Lake. Anything I've said is based on this.

    Sorry about being a little zealous and fanatical about what's left of the fishery!





    PS. No - I don't live on the lake. I can't afford waterfront.


    My reference to statements you have made is based on posts from you on fishing forums last yr. It seems your objective is to have this event stopped in the name of saving the fishery. If so your barking up the wrong tree as Im sure you would agree there are many things that could be done that would have a much greater impact in improving it then stopping this event bu unless I have missed it I dont see you lobbying for other changes? So what is your objective? This is all just my laymans take on it and isnt worth much but its how I see it.

  4. ^^^^^^^ I have had the benefit of reading multiple posts he made regarding this tournament last yr, he is a zelot with and agenda who Im pretty sure happens to live on Sturgeon. You might say the event is in his back yard, ok on with the "I have no personal stake in this" crusade. Does he have good intentions? Sure maybe to a degree but the claims he spouted last yr while covering yhem in a thin vale of science were shameful.

  5. Grimsby:

    I understand the Ontario fishing regs and regularly keep some of my catch for the table. Never had a problem with fishermen keeping their fish. You obviously are missing the multitude of issues here:

    Fully documented walleye population decline in a small, heavily fished lake, Special regulations enacted to hopefully halt further decline, lake under serious additional pressure from winter fishing, and now spill-over from closure of Lake Scugog, a Ministry who refuses to follow their own science and make decisions that are in favour with the conservation of the resource, a local Chamber Of Commerce who is willing to use what's left of the resource , and negatively impact it, for retail gain, the same Chamber that uses false propaganda to lable the event as a "live release"tournament, to obtain public acceptance, the addition of over 4000 species-targeted rod hours, on the very species that is the subject of the special regulations, and most importantly, the total, disrespectful waste of the resource. Ethical anglers who keep some fish for the table don't litter the bottom of the lake with dead fish on an annual basis. If there is an agenda, it is to get MNR Fisheries Policy Section to manage the resource competently, before we have no fishery left!



    A small fragile lake? Under additional serious pressure from winter fishing? (Pan fish only but you know that). If your going to use science then stick too it, not your half truths and twisted facts to push your agenda.

  6. I'm looking for a big water boat for Erie. I love the StarCraft. I viewed 1 in Chatham, a 1989 offshore 22' for $10,000., I should have jumped on it, but didn't. If you know of one for sale in very good condition, please PM me. Thanx

    I know of an Islander for sale, or did you want an open boat?

  7. Remember when the tobacco companies had doctors recommending a brand of cigarette?


    Some of that huge mark-up goes towards professionals to push their product.

    When I asked one at a poker table, he said maui without question, when I mentioned I wanted maui quality uv lenses to the person at costco she said that dont offer a uv lense of that quality. Neither person had a dog in the fight or a motive to say what they said. Just a couple personal observations but as you said the info is out there if you choose to ignore it thats your choice.

  8. Sure but the point is there is zero difference between sunglasses except price and name. Zero, none, nada. This isn't lighter components or better build. This is one of the biggest mark-ups in retail, save for designer handbags.

    Tell that to an optomitrist lol. There are tests that layman like us can do that will show vast differences in lense quality. Maui jims have the highest quality lenses available, some others are good of coarse as well.

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