How do people choose a lure?
Basically I have become conditioned towards orange lures. Why? Because all my favourite fish have been caught on orange lures.
Now what actually might be happening is that I tend to fish more often with orange lures, so naturally more and more of the fish I catch would be on those, which reinforces the conditioning.
When I go to look at lures, I am totally mystified by all the selection. I try and look at them from the fish's perspective. "mmmm, that one looks tasty". "hey, this one's nice and shiny!", "wow, that one has real-looking eyes!".
But then I start to realize that I am not a fish, I can't know how a fish responds, and there's far too much about this that I just don't know.
So I buy another orange lure.
What I really need is a cup full of worms. It is a consistently proven fact that fish find those things irresistible.
Do they come in orange?