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About Burgerdude

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  1. No I was not being paid in any way shape or form, I had pulled up to the nearest adjacent property to where i store the boat. The dock owners are very good friends of mine and I am very welcome to use the dock. The neighbor that asked for the ride lives more inland and up the road. I was asked if I would take them up stream a bit. I am asking the opinion of other boaters here. The general discussion area. I am not asking for "flaming" at all. Please stop doing so. Johnnybass the flaming statement was not directed towards you. Good question though.
  2. Nice try! I was not drinking, one of the guests was a neighbor. They did not seem drunk when they left the dock. Thank you for making itr evident that you practice "Flaming" new members Read the posts again you missed several points. Thank you for your comments Happy fishing and good luck!
  3. In response to Greencoachdog, I thought I would add a video of my own. They call it the Buddy Plan, and it sounds good to me. Have fun with that one
  4. I think a well placed tazer or cow prod might have worked well. I will consider that.
  5. Pretty funny you post that particular Youtube flick, You may have apoint though. I do have a much better fishing rig than either of these two could ever dream of owning. It could have been extreme jealousy on their part. Could it have been that my electric trolling motor with auto pilot and co-pilot actually got these two angry enough to consider physical violence? Would you advise I just return to my old motorguide trolling motor that hafd a big click when it runs and only had high speed? Obviously there is some truth in the humor you presented or you would not have presented it. Thank you for considering that angle.
  6. The 3D imaging of the bottom works well if you are looking for structure at trolling speed. I have last years 997c SI model, paid huge bucks for it and even more for the platinum maps. Amazingly the maps only work in the great lakes and Lake of the Woods. I believe it helped my fish spotting in general. The newer 1197c SI has a larger screen but other than that I am not real sure if it has that many more features. Some of the accessories I own are the barometer and Remote sonar green thingie with the antenna for spotting fish where the boat cannot go. The speed and water temp sensor never seemed to have worked properly yet. The cartography on the chart plotter can be off at times but can be adjusted as needed. There is a 3D option for looking at the contour of the lake when trolling. The Hummiongbird has the option of adding up to 6 high end DT/HS cannon downriggers to it and the ability to control the motion of the electric downriggers from the hummingbird. Some day I may buy the downriggers compatible with the system. I recommend considering the humming bird brand, but I also think the other folks in this forum may know of better brands. Good luck with your purchase
  7. Everyone aboard is male. I do understand that it would be my word against theirs. I did not pick up any vibes during the conversation until the last 20 feet of the trip, The river had pushed the boat slightly downstream from the dock and struggling to get it back up stream seemed to start the uproar. The electric trolling motor was a 36 volt minn-kota terrova and had been running for quite a while, apparently the current was a bit stronger near the dock then it had been all the way down the river.
  8. I can only hope it happened once in a lifetime, I just would like to know what your rights are as a captain and or individual in this type of situation. I would recommend calling the police.... if it ever happened again. I am still getting reprecussions from the incident though and the attacker actually asked me to fight him. I told him I had no reason to fight him. I don't think he really understands that he was in the wrong at all. I also cannot identify the person other than his first name if it even is his first name. No idea where he lives other than the general area. It just happened to be a coinsidence that I ran itno him last weekend. I did not drive up with my tow vehicle or I might have been in a similar situation.
  9. I do appreciate all these replies I am suprized to see that so many actually watch these posts so closely. I do appreciate all the help. How do I adress the fact that those two think they "RUN" the river?
  10. Absolutely not, I did not touch either of these passengers. I did the best I could within reason to get them to shore asap. As I said I found it was too shalow for my Big motor and actually dinged the prop on the rocks trying to expedite the trip to shore, after the Ding, I lowered the kicker and ran the electric motor as a bow steer to get us back to shore.
  11. They asked for the ride, The conversation was great all the way up and all the way down until the last 20 feet to the dock. I knew one guy as a neighbor and I did not know the attacker at all. I am 44 yrs old, the screamer is 54 yrs old and the attacker was 38 yrs old. I was not drinking, the other two seemed to have been drinking.
  12. I can mention it really has changed my experience as a boater. The lack of respect by those guests in particular seems to have changed my attitude in general toward inviting any other people on the boat. I know now that if a person has been drinking or seems intoxicated in any way they are not getting on my boat, no way, no how.
  13. The only way I can see they got upset is when I told them they could not drive the boat. I paid good money for the boat, repairs and insurance and if anything happened on or to the boat I wanted to be sure it was me who caused the damage and it would not end in an "Oh I am sorry" where I would have to pick up the bill anyway.
  14. Police would have been a good solution, however, being it was dark and I needed to get my boat out of the water I drove back to the launch and trailered my boat back to storage. The event happened last year sometime, mid to late season. I had forgotten the date exactly. I really need to know how I deal with this in the future. Do I report this now? or is it too late?
  15. Hello, I need to express my story and ask for your opinion as to what you would do in these circumstances. I had the unfortunate experience of being choked over the gunwale of my fishing boat after a 3 hour tour. I was wondering about maritime or inland water laws pertaining to abusing the captain physically. I really had not caused any type of attack nor was it warranted. I simply took the guests for a ride on my fishing boat. The boat was executing a good rate of speed heading up river, but to save fuel I used the trolling motor to glide us back downstream on the return trip. Upon return to the original dock one of the guests began screaming. Get me to shore NOW!!!, I did the best I could to accomodate the guest and knowing the water was too shallow for the big motor I used the electric and gas trolling motor to get the boat to the dock. I asked the screaming guest to calm down and once the boat was docked the other passenger jumped over the screaming guest and choked me over the gunwale. I waited for them to get off the boat and then let the boat drift offshore a bit before regaining my composure. Two against one in the middle of a dark river was an equation that made me think it was a life or death situation which I did not want to see the equality of. Ever since then I have been told that I was not well liked by both of these guests. I really do not understand this, They did all the bad behavior, I did not cause any of the conflict, I even went so far as not causing conflict by remaining passive during the attack. This weekend I was approached by the guy who choked me, while I was on shore. I was informed that he had been on the river since age zero and I quote, "He ran the river". I really cannot understand how what he said about running the river is suppose to affect my use of the river or nearby inland waters. My question is how would you handle this situation within reason?
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