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About charlied

  • Birthday 01/13/1978

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    fishing and slopitch!!

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  1. Thanks guys. Just have to find out when I will be able to get up to that area.
  2. Can anyone recommend a hut rental place and area catching lots of perch? Got a hut rental from a family member for Xmas and wanna take my 3 year old fishing. Was near Snake island on Simcoe on Saturday and only got 1 perch till an hour before we left and hard to keep a 3 year old from going crazy. LOL. He had a riot once we started catching fish and it kept him busy. Of looking for anyone's secret hole and I don't keep any fish so I won't be depleting your fishing area. LOL Can send it personal message if you want as well Thanks guys
  3. Ya still didnt get out. Had to go on my wife's business trip and be on Daddy duties. I might be heading up to Nipissing tonight and fish tomorrow
  4. Thanks guys, didnt end up getting out. She chose for us to go to her business and clean instead. Haha
  5. Havent ice fished in years and found some old ice fishing rods of mine. Might take my wife out ( who doesnt fish) on Tuesday, so I need a place to rent a hut and get into some fish to keep her busy. haha. Probably will go to Simcoe, thx
  6. Has anyone ever fished this lake, is the bassin any good? Rented a cottage their this summer and was curious. Thanks guys
  7. It is not! if your worried get it checked out.

  8. Anyone tell me what the selling price would be on a 13' GL3, the reel seat and cork do move but I called Loomis Canada and they said it is returnable and will fix it free of charge. I just don't have the coin to send it. I may be looking to sell this to buy a slowpitch bat so we can work a deal if you have a credit card to buy the bat.....let me know!! *ROD IS GONE*
  9. ya i figured i could do it myself. I got a qoute of material in town here for $740. But i am gonna go over to Buffalo and get it for $320. Huge difference in material pricing. I have done one before, woman said she would prefer if a professional would do it...lol. Oh the love of a woman.
  10. Anyone here that has done lots of drop ceilings? May have a job available in the near future, depending on the price. LOL
  11. Thanks a ton.....this damn economy. LOL. I also have stuff for sale in the Classified ads here if anyone can take a look and see if something interests you and can help me out. Thanks
  12. I called the US Lommis and they said that my problem should be covered under warrenty issues. Don't know if Loomis Canada would replace it or not, it is a discontinued rod from what I read online. The rod isn't broken thou, and I don't have the $75, lol right now. Thats why I asked if it costs to have it sent in.
  13. Temporary Labourer Available!! Anyone out there know anyone looking for a temporary labourer on a part time basis or casual weekly work. Little work here and there. Possibly cash labour. Preferably not to far away say from Toronto area to the Niagara. I am in tough spot right now and need cash. I can do small hardwood flooring jobs and ceramic tile also, I am no expert but if your looking to save some money I am your man. Any help would be great. Hope i can post this on here, lol. Thanks Charlie
  14. Anyone on here dealt with Loomis returns before. Heard it costs $80 to have something sent in and fixed, is this true? I phoned like 2 weeks ago and they said the would have someone call me but no call yet. Any help would be great, thanks!!
  15. I volunteer at a Gymnastics club, we are trying to get this great athlete Athlete of the month award. If you guys could vote as much as you can and help this girl out it would be greatly appreciated. Here is the link and her name is Lee-Ann Skulj-Thompson, vote as many time as you can. The poll is a quarter down in the middle of the page. http://www.wellandtribune.ca/ Thanks Charlie
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