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Posts posted by smitter

  1. TDunn said everything worth saying on the subject. But, just to throw my two cents in, for flies to troll behind the williams warbler I use brown or black woolley buggers, black nose Dace, Black ghost, or muddler minnows (occasionally) in sizes 6 to 8. A selection of representative nymph patters for around the beaver dams can also be good. Early seasons brookies are the most fun you can have while fishing (in my opinion)

  2. You are going at a really good time. Lots of the rivers in that area have a steelhead run of some kind, although the water level is very low this year. My suggestion, as you drive up hwy 17, you will see rivers, and you will see cars parked by the side of the road, they're not parked there to go bird watching. Those cars are your indicator that there is good fishing to be had in that trib.


    If you feel like going for a bit of a walk, shoot me a pm and I'll tell you where one of my favorite holes is.


    But we will be relying somewhat on the fish for food (so as to lighten our packs) and any experience you have had on Crow River, Big Crow, Lavielle, or Dickson would sure come in handy.




    My only advice is don't rely on fish for food, you can't control nature, and sometimes the fish just don't bite. It's a sure way to ensure an empty stomach and a miserable trip. Bring all the food you need, fish or no fish, seriously.

  4. Don't pay attention to the haters, your reports are great!


    You're right that anybody who can recognize the river based on a picture of it already knows there are fish there.


    Also, anybody who would send you a critical e-mail without identifying themselves isn't worth listening to in the first place.

  5. It can be great and it can also be dodgy. There are a bunch of lease hold camps north of town here that are in real trouble with there lease holders. Camps that have been in the family for generations, spent all kinds of money on building and renovating their camps and now they are basically getting kicked off the land.


    A deed of ownership is the only thing that's certain.

  6. My standard laker set-up;


    6'6" medium action rod


    2500 reel spooled with 8 pound clear mono


    small to medium sized williams warbler spoon followed by 12"-18" more 8 pound mono and either a plain hook and worm or a small streamer fly at the end.


    In spring, fish it weightless behind the boat, as the season progresses, add weight to get down to where the fish are.

  7. Beauty fish!


    Some guys at work were telling me they did really well last weekend up in the park too.


    Now I'm definitely going up to the park this weekend, suppose to be be -14 in Wawa tonight, should tighten everything up pretty good!

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