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Posts posted by arc

  1. 3 minutes ago, John Bacon said:

    There is a park association that is very anti-fishing.  They give TUFA (Toronto Urban Fishing Ambassadors) are lot of trouble when they have fishing events in High Park.

    It's ridiculous, I've seen the articles on it.

    Families bringing their kids to catch sunfish and some bass one day a year is a problem, totally.  

    Yes there's always an irresponsible angler who doesn't clean up after themselves, etc but there's also people who don't clean up after themselves in the park also considering the amount of trash I clean up on our side of the pond that floats or blows over etc , Applying the same logic, all humans be banned in the park entirely then also? I'm sure that would go over well. 

    This year's bass population is looking pretty awesome though.  I've seen so many swarms of fry this last couple of weeks. Can't wait to see them when they've grown.




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  2. Hey All,


    Thanks for much again for all the responses. The Toronto Region Conservation Authority called me in response to my email. I spoke to head of water management. I sent him the real estate listing as well. He was pretty great about it, couldn't find any issues on their end as to why I can't. If it's private property, not fishing out of season, have a license, etc. Which was my main concern of TRCA officers showing up at my door to fine me, and not being able to fish there anymore (worst case scenario). 

    The city is the "landlord" of the pond so they set the rules for their property, but since we have riparian rights, as it says in the ad, we're permitted, as I thought.  

    He gave me the email for the park manager,  they get calls constantly about high park etc people are understandably protective. I'll in the meantime I'll just ignore them.

    Or if I'm feeling sassy maybe paddle across and ask to see their (whining) licences, as angler harassment is illegal 😛

    Also got this little almost 4lb nugget last Saturday.  


    • Like 7
  3. On 6/2/2024 at 8:58 AM, Rizzo said:

    Beauty spot to live. I grew up not too far away and as a youngster put a canoe in Grenadier once so I could fish your side. Caught a giant carp pretty much out front of your place. I am hoping this Karen was just trying to prevent people from trespassing on your property...hoping.

    She definitely said you "don't have the right as a property owner to fish there".  So, we'll see. 

  4. On 5/31/2024 at 8:14 PM, John Bacon said:

    Do you have a copy of your deed?  It may come with some special rights.

    I recall seeing a real estate ad for a property on Grenadier pond.  Appearently it had shoreline rights that allowed them to launch a boat.  Maybe that applies to your property too.  Then you can really piss the park people off.

    I found the ad


    Thanks so much for this !  Appreciated !! 

    • Haha 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, CrowMan said:

    I also grew up in the High Park neighborhood fishing on Grenadier Pond. Also fished across the street in Catfish Pond, which was behind my school...Swansea Public. Lots of great memories. I won the annual High Park Kid's fishing tournament when I was 12 years old...the one and only fishing trophy (still have it somewhere) I have ever won. A one day derby, which I won with a 12" Bass and two Sunfish...lol

    Been a long time since I've fished there...good to see it's still producing.


    NIce one! There's some nice bass catfish pond- and remember this ? 


    • Like 2
  6. 1 minute ago, David Chong said:

    I'm actually surprised that the pike have not taken over the Pond, as they generally do! They;'ve been in there for over 35 years, over the years I've caught many interesting species in there including a Walleye and Threadfin Shad!


    There's lots of Pike, just shy on my side and it's thick with vegetation around this time until November so I'm mostly topwater when bass season rolls around. 

    Walleye awesome! haven't seen one yet ! 

    • Like 1
  7. 4 minutes ago, David Chong said:

    I grew up fishing Granadier Pond and know it intimately! From your property there you can do whatever you'd like! There are several people there who believe that Grenadier Pond is their private property, which it is not, I can also guess who that Karen is! That section got closed to fishing based on them complaining about anglers disturbing nesting waterfowl there but it is only on the park grounds! Tell her to please call the conservation officers! How's the Crappie fishing these days?

    Yea she's the one you think she is, I told her I would to call the conservation POPO to sort this out.  

    • Like 2
  8. Not going to lie Weeds, I'm very lucky to be where I am, and yes the fishing is as good as you would think, I've pulled a couple rare pike up and the bass for a city pond, are monnnsters over here. 

    And yes I get what you're saying I think she's taking the signs verbatim as in that covers the entirety of the pond as to not fish except the yellow areas.

    Here's some highlights from the last year, the last bass was probably PB . 

    @David Chong I haven't got too many crappie surprisingly, I mostly like to play the bass.  Carp and catfish when the greens arent in season. 



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  9. Our property ends at the watershed (blue star), with other private properties around on each side of me, the park grounds are on the south and east opposite side (in green). Permitted fishing areas of the park (in yellow) : here's a map for reference. It being a watershed I would assume it's crown land with municipal fishing limitations posted only on the east side.  Also it's not navigatable since there's also no watercraft allowed on the pond and there's no access to a lake or other river, creek etc. 

    I've contacted Toronto Region Conservation for a definite answer if they reply.  I don't see how park volunteers have a right to scream and harrass me while on my own property. 




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  10. Thanks Akrisoner, I figured the same, but this park Karen seems to think the rules apply outside the park boundaries. The posted fishing rules I was assuming only apply to public areas.  The more north end of the pond on the east side says no fishing, but I'm on the northern half of the west side. 

    Just annoying. and embarrassing, the last thing I'm doing is harming the conservation there considering I clean up all kinds of garbage that floats over from the park side and remove invasive species I catch, etc

    Maybe if she spent more time cleaning up trash on the park side than bothering people it would make an actual difference on the wildlife.



  11. My backyard backs into a large pond with a public park on the opposite side. The posted fishing rules for the public include only fishing the south and half of the east side of the pond. 

    If I'm fishing from land on private property on the west side, am I allowed since it's private access? 

    I was harassed by a park volunteer stewart yelling at me from across the pond that I was fishing illegally even though I was on my property and took photos of me threatening to call the conservation officers. 

    Wondering what the rules are fishing from your own property on public waters? The posted rules only outline where is permitted fishing to public access areas. 



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