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Everything posted by manitoubazz

  1. First go at pickled walleye
  2. Simple and comfortable
  3. Yep! We call them coins
  4. Dessert from last night
  5. My thread, my rules!😅🤣😅😅
  6. Thanks! This is the food we eat, lol, it's even better for the guests. Sometimes it works that we eat the same menu as the guests however.
  7. First ski of the year landed by my fishing buddy Derrick. 46" and boy did we have a hard time landing it. We were not prepared for musky. We were just jigging walleye on a ledge (23fow -40fow) Great fish! At some point I bashed my shin off a seat or the edge of the tinny lol
  8. And me and Doug have had breakfast together at the emo Inn. Where breakfast is served with a side of hair! Lol
  9. Thanks! This is the food we eat, lol, it's even better for the guests. Sometimes it works that we eat the same menu as the guests however.
  10. Leftover sandwich lol. Leftover smoked sirloin, cheddar, kimchee and mustard with garlic butter on sourdough Bread pudding
  11. New Moon Lodge on lake of the woods
  12. That last pic is just some leftovers I smashed together for lunch today lol and it's still amazing
  13. The lodge itself is very NW ontario, so not high end. But the cooking is super high end. 3 of the young ladies are red seal chefs and when I'm not doing maintenance or guiding, I hop in the kitchen and cook with them. The food is UNREAL DOUG
  14. Making some amazing foods, learning alot on downtime from fishing. Lost 7lbs this past week lol Crap tonnes of walleye pics coming soon!
  15. Thanks dood! In the camp downtime and in between building new cabins, I've been luckily to hop in the kitchen with 2 red seal chefs(they any allowed me in because our talks about food lol) It's crazy here, everything from scratch and fresh food brought in for the ladies to work with daily. My cooking skills are 10 fold in a month or so lol
  16. Fiddle head soup Yall know what this is Now it's time to focus on muskie and walleye but the weather has been brutal. Tonnes of rain and high winds... Hopefully some fish pics to come! Hopefully yall had a great opening weekend!
  17. Fresh making lasagna Killer good cinnamon buns Veal meatloaf
  18. Fish pics soon!!!!
  19. Landed at the lodge 2 nights ago. We've just been doing maintenance on everything at camp. We got a great crew here and thos spring/summer/fall is going...to...be...a....BLAST!
  20. Steak mushrooms and more Brussel sprouts lol. The past few years I've grown super fond of Brussel sprouts Northern pike boil. Just a basic soup. Chunk uo your northern and add it to the stock with about 4 minutes left. Super good and caused me to keep alot more pike in the 25" range Bartered a homie for some of his fish peppers to make a salsa for nachos! So good
  21. Yessir bunk! Never really chased any trophies last year but the numbers were insane! Also was by far my best trout year but lost alot of pics flipping the yak. And lol on the Grey beard comment. It's probably 80% Grey or more these days, and all the compliments come from women lol. So I don't mind!
  22. Had a great year last season with tonnes of great numbers. Hammered walleye from a kayak in a super back lake with my dad. Later flipped the same kayak in the middle of a trout lake and almost died of hypothermia lol, was a fun year!
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