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About woodee148

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    Lake Nosbonsing

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Minnow (2/10)



  1. just a little bump to see if anyone from nosbonsing is around yet.....
  2. Not the best time of year to be fishing down there....we usually stay out on the islands (captiva and North Captiva) and fish the passes. lots of fun. Gag grouper on the outgoing tides. a 30"er will feel like you have hooked into a 20lb fish and great eating too. We have stayed in cape coral before and fished the caloosahatchee (sp?) caught a couple of lady fish, snapper and too small grouper. Not much of a chance of getting a tarpon this time of year. we bring our boat down with us so we usually head to the passes and the bridge pilings. tons of dolphins. not sure if I can help with much but feel free to pm me with any questions about the area. If you are mobile head over to sanibel island, ther is a bar there called the Lazy Flamingo right accross the street they recently opened an old pass and the nutrients now entering that part of the gulf from the stirred up sound are attracting all sorts of goodies. if i was shore fishing thats where i would be. something along the lines of an old fashion pickerel rig with a couple of shrimp and you are good to go. I think trout is out of season right now, may want to check fl regs... good luck!
  3. Thanks Bernie! I think you answered one of my questions on another site a few days ago..re: Dock!! I will wiat and see as we are not going up till end of Feb now. Hoping the ice is good enough then. It would be a long hike with enough lumber for 12' x 36' dock along with 27 - 55 gallon drums lol
  4. lol , Thanks for the laugh...great map looks like the bay we ar in is West bay (on that map) right accross from the 35' deep hole. did some research and apparently it used to be a santuary but is now open?? sounds appealing........ try to find a bit of a drop and fish that or just go fro it in the hole?
  5. Thanks guys, we are actually in a small bay up and to the left of port stanton. we are at the end of the bay so I think the ice should be fine. good to know about the trent thru there thou, thanks lack of fish may be why the outfitters have all closed up shop... oh well we will try it anyway. we will consider it a challenge and I'll let you know how we made out. we did the trent thru there by boat a few years ago (actually got soem info here) so I have some maps somewhere
  6. Rented a cottage thru work on Sparrow lake. above port stanton. Doesn't seem to be much in the area of outfitters and we were hoping to get out for a day. any suggestions? anyone know current conditions ? we are going up Feb 5 - 8 Walleyman outfitters is closed thanks
  7. 150 views...Someone must know something about Nosbonsing?? Thanks in advance!
  8. Hi all, I have been lurking here for a little while gathering up some info on Nosbonsing. We recently bought some land up there on the south shore. We were up Jan 15 - 17 to check it out and do some ice fishing. small perch and 1 - 17" pickerel (both on minnow and a hook). Ice only seemed about 12" thick with 4" of water under a couple of inches of snow. spent more time trying to stay out of the water and getting dry than fishing!anyway, we are looking to build a dock (floating) and I would like to build it on the ice now and let it settle and haul it to where it needs to go in spring. My question is - what are the ice conditions now? is there anything/area I should avoid? I would be entering soemwhere in bondfield and heading over to the south shore. I am just south of the sunken island (i think). Iwould have my gm ext cab 6l with a two axle trailer full of lumber. I saw lots of trucks and cars out when I was there last but I just want to make sure its safe for a bit more weight than a standard vehicle. any suggestions/ comments would be great Thanks!tried to post a pic of the ice but cant seem to do it. It says its uploading but then nothing happens and it still says 0 attachments
  9. thanks Johnny and MP, do you know of any decent spots to beach it for a shore lunch?? I would like to stop somewhere between sparrow and swift rapids (lock 43)
  10. Great fish! and you can still see the grin thru the blur!!
  11. c'mon guys, someone must have something for me?? 100 views and only one reply?? I'm just lookin for a bit of advice.. Chaos
  12. we were docked in westport (upper rideau) The kids and I were fishing off the dock into the pads and shallows, we landed three decent basss in the 1.5 hours we fished. while we were fishing a couple of guys pulled in on there bass boat (stumped it before they let the electric down) they were landing fish so fast that we didn't even dorp our lines in while they were there. We just watched in awe as these caught and released at least 20 fish in the 1/2 our they were there. it was a bit discouraging but it was great entertainment to see the pros at work!!
  13. we were docked in westport (upper rideau) The kids and I were fishing off the dock into the pads and shallows, we landed three decent basss in the 1.5 hours we fished. while we were fishing a couple of guys pulled in on there bass boat (stumped it before they let the electric down) they were landing fish so fast that we didn't even dorp our lines in while they were there. We just watched in awe as these caught and released at least 20 fish in the 1/2 our they were there. it was a bit discouraging but it was great entertainment to see the pros at work!!
  14. Morning everyone, been doing some searches on site to see what info I could pull up to better my trip. My wife and i are heading up the trent this weekend from lake Couchiching to Little lake spending one night and then heading back. My wife is probrally only going to let me stop once or twice along the way for fishing so I am hoping to make it worth my while. We are spending the night at the Couch lock (North end of Lake Couchiching) so i will be trying my luck then but I am hoping for a shore lunch once we get thru the locks in the morning. I'm not really looking for anyone's spots just hoping I can get some ideas on what to expect and maybe a recommended spot for shore lunch (assuming I don't get skunked!) I am going to try to get into deep bay for some bass but I have a 32" draft and i am not sure where the water levels are at. I will be sure to post some pics when I get back. Thanks Chaos!
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