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Everything posted by jharcnc

  1. jharcnc


    Simply INCREDIBLE!!! Congrats!!!
  2. Could be a splake? Nice fish. Cheers
  3. feel free to pick away...my ignorance and confusion is directly correlated to my shocking lack of general fishing knowledge...it is clear(er) now...that the general Ontario regs allow for 1 line per angler...the exception (and I'm sure there are many others) being Huron where you can fish with two out, each thanks for your patience! me not so smart
  4. thanks....1 line per angler....up to a MAX of 2 PER BOAT, is the way I will interpret it...so if there are 3 or 4 of us, friends #3 and #4 are watching.....
  5. so what happens if there are 3 of us? 1 line each? or only up to 2 (max per boat)? what if I'm fishing by myself? 1 line or 2 (per boat)? it is a little unclear, to be sure, but I'll play it safe and run only 1 each... thanks again
  6. great thanks! that's all I wanted to know...although what happens if I fish two lines myself? hmmm....according to the regs that is up for debate....;-) either way, it will be him and I this weekend and we'll keep it to two lines
  7. thanks...this is the language they use verbatim: "Two lines may be used when trolling from a boat in open water." being real green at this, I wanted to ask to make sure I was in compliance
  8. ok...I have checked out the regulations, and I think I know the answer, but I want to just confirm here as well... According to the regs, while fishing on G-bay from a boat, it appears you are allowed max 2 lines per boat. So, if I go fishing this weekend with the bro-in-law, we can each have one line out for a max of 2. NOT up to 2 lines, EACH. Correct? Thanks in advance...
  9. thanks again; what about trolling speed? what do you guys recommend?
  10. ummm...what's a hootchie? (I told you I was a newb!)
  11. once again, thanks everyone In terms of bait, I'm really only familiar with spoons (like the classic watermelon) and hardbaits like this one: can anyone give me an example of a successful fly bait? thanks again
  12. many thanks to the posters...I have checked out the regs and will be sure to follow them (in addition to picking up a slot chart and species guide, just to be safe) ok, what about flashers? they seem so bulky to me...do you recommend them? if so, do you tie them directly to the backing line and throw your bait 8ft off it on fluoro? and in terms of the line behind the boat...(thanks to the first poster)...say you're going down 50ft...would you guys let out 100ft of line and then clip it to the downrigger? preferred baits for salmon? spoons or otherwise? cheers
  13. hi everyone...long time lurker first time poster...I have some real newb questions for this board of very knowledgeable guys (and gals)... I've been salmon fishing on The 'Bay before, but usually as a "passenger" and not the "driver"...(ps, I am 32 yrs old not 15 which that might imply)...I'm looking for some basic help which would be most appreciated... My wife's family has a cottage in the Honey Harbour area of G-bay, but I've previously only salmon fished in the open waters further north around 12 Mile Bay...my first question...is there an official salmon fishing season like there are for other species? (I warned you these are newb questions...) Secondly, if anyone is familiar with that area of G-bay (Honey Harbour...Bone Island specifically), I think at a minimum I need to be out by Giant's Tomb...the deeper the better? Third...assuming there is no season, is it even possible to catch salmon in May or June? Fourth...I have a nice bigger game shimano rod and a tekota reel...what would you guys recommend I back it with, line-wise, this year (30lb fireline crystal)? How long of a fluorcarbon leader would you use? Lures are a separate topic all together (I know at least that much...) Fifth...how long do you let out the line behind the boat before attaching it to the downrigger? If I'm marking fish at 80ft, do I drop the ball to 80ft? I know, I know...tons of questions...thank you for tolerating my obnoxiousness...the knowledge on this board is practically infinite and I thank everyone in advance for their help! ps...I will have more questions...
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