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Bruce B

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  1. Thanks so much for the photos, brings back memories. I agree it would be lovely if someone would clear out all the old buildings, walkways & stuff. Take it down to dirt, vegetation and stone. Then build a new similar Camp, modest so they average guys could afford a few days but modern and comfortable. I would book a stay for sure : ). I wonder if the property is for sale and if there are some legacy environmental cleanup issues -- discarded chemicals, oil, fuels....etc ? That could get real expensive to remediate...... Yup, I think you said it --- a miracle ! ( unfortunately )........ Here is a shot from our stay in 2010 -- happier days but you could still tell it wasn't getting the maintenance it needed......
  2. Thanks so much !! -- found it on Google Maps - satellite view. You can see the buildings ( fuzzy ). Looks like it is just west of the Outer Fox Islands very near a circular island = Dock Island. We had the southern most cabin as Dave said that was the best for artists. He pointed out the Bustard Rocks in the distance. He cooked steaks each night for us & him and I didn't complain ! In retrospect he was probably disappointed that we didn't rent a boat but a fisherman pulled in one day to get fuel and he gave me nice water tour for a couple hours including a beer with his son and wife at their cabin nearby. That fellow comes each year from England for a month. It looks like quite a distance from Britt but I guess there is no road into Key Harbor so maybe that is why guests without their own boats are picked at Britt. Like others I wish it was still up and going. His wife gave us a ride out and told me that Dave loved the place and would probably die there..... perhaps he did. : ( He told me that he had to put a $30, 000 septic system by regulations and that was a big blow to finances....... We are planning to come back to somewhere around Georgian Bay in September 2023.....hard to find a resort / camp like that one though that is out in the bay( instead at the edge ). I love that landscape -- it is unique......
  3. My wife & I stayed there for a few days in 2010. I did some paintings and enjoyed dinners nightly with Dave. We were the only guests at the time which was a little worrisome. Anyway we had a good time. Can anyone tell me how to find it on a map ? i.e. the name of the island /island group or lat and long. We were picked up in Britt and it was a confusing ride of many islands.... I see that Dave passed away and the place is closed and in decay. SAD----would like to have gone back.....spectacular scenery.....thanks for any help ---- bruce from Washington State [email protected]
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