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Walleye Hunter

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About Walleye Hunter

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  • Interests
    Walleye, bass, trout and salmon Fishing<br />hunting<br />

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  1. WOW, what a fish that 2nd one is. Nice to see. Great to finally be getting out eh? Long winter. Thanks for the post.
  2. Yes, Our rain has been on and off. I may have to do some work around the house if everywhere is getting this. Never enough days off in a week.
  3. Anyone been to the credit lately? Looking to go out tomorrow and wondered about conditions and fish? Appreciate any information.
  4. Grimsby Tackle is the place. Good prices and selection!
  5. I was on Bowmanville and caught a couple on Tuesday. Still early, but some are in. Trout seem to have already gone up. Oshawa will be fairly similar.
  6. Not trying to cause any problems, but just know how much my buddies and I like to see the spawning happening and thought others might like to know about it also??? Sorry you see this as a bad thing?? As for the other posts - Not sure why Simcoe doesn't have a better population either. Lots of fish spawn, but yet we don't seem to catch many. The ones you do catch are all spawners also, so we let them go. Maybe too much development on the lake and too over fished. Hopefully the new lake simcoe act will produce some results.
  7. Was up to =edit= and saw the fish are in. Looks like they are just starting to spawn, but should be good tomorrow night and over the next week. The walleye are huge and your so close. Awsome thing to see....best at night though with a light to look at all the eyes. WH
  8. Was up the the Gamebridge Dam last night and was able to see a few eyes. Still lots of water, but fish should be full on by the weekend. Always an amazing site to see. Some real monsters usually.
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