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B Diddy

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Everything posted by B Diddy

  1. Thanks for the advise guys.....good point about the water conditions. My ol' ship plenty sea worthy but I'd rather be safe than sorry for sure with the kiddies!!
  2. Thanks Blake!! Hopefully we'll hook into some good ones. My 2 boys are young (7 & 9) & have really taken an interest this year......a great thing for a dad that likes to fish!!
  3. 14 ft. aluminum
  4. Hey Gang......been seeing a lot on simcoe smallmouth fishing the last while. Would anyone be willing to give up any inside tips on location, structure to look for or specific techniques. I wouldn't mind taking my kids out for one last shot at a big one for the year. Never fished simcoe before so if somenone could somewhat point me in the right direction that would be great. Bill
  5. the tracker sales rep said legend uses a thinner gauge aluminum for the hull......who knows. I'm sure they make a fine boat
  6. Where can I get Sylvan....I've found a somewhat local supplier for the others but not Sylvan...says Perth is the closest!!! Gov't will always get you when they can eh.....
  7. Thanks for the responses guys. We checked into the tracker boats today....seem like a good boat. The Targa line is a little out of reach for us, but we checked out the Pro Guide V16 WT with an 75 HP Opti Max Merc. I think that will be the type of boat we are in the market for. I heard Legend boats are not very well built so I think we will stay away from them. I like the idea of saving some $$$$ & getting used but we went that route for our ATV's & ended losing money trading in for new at the end of the day. Anyone have specific dealers they have bought from for good prices & service. We are in the Bolton area. Bill
  8. Hey Gang.....mostly a lurker on here, but occasionally look for help. Here goes.......I may be interested in getting a new boat. We have a tin banger that I love to hit back lakes in, but my 2 boys are getting older & my wife seems to be gaoning interest in fisshing so we are having thoughts on a more family size boat. I would be looking to fish out of it comfortably & probably drag a kid around a lake on a tube or something. And of course the occasional pleasure cruise. Keep in mind I'm the type that likes a good product but have to think budget also. I had the legend fish & ski type boats in mind & will be picking their brains this weekend, but if anyone else has other thoughts on different brands or dealers I'd love to hear them. Down the road we also may be looking into getting ourselves set up in a trailer park since cottages seem so out of reach for the average joe. Anybody have good words to say about any parks. Looking for a park on a good fishing lake, family orientated & ATV friendly. Look forward to the responses!! Bill
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