LOL chair with the shoes this morning unreal.. anyway back to debate.
In terms of talking about things that I mentioned.. yes I do know that information, its not rocket scince, its information you can get by doing a simple definition serach on any serach engine. To find out what a term or whole life investment is is not hard. However I do no claim to know SOLID financial advice, in fact there is truly only a handful of people in this world you can accurately calculate to some extent a decent esitmate of risk in terms of an investment. If investing was soo easy everyone would do it, just like Primerica. In reality its not that people are skeptics or that people dont have the knowledge its that primerica is simply just not a good opportunity. The majority of the world wouldn't be doubting it if it worked. Why do you think in the meetings they tell you not to look up the company on google? Because they know what people will find. Im not saying Primerica is a scam, cause they aren't they run a legitimate business and they sell products.. where they fall short is how effective their products are. Its just like Amway, thers really no difference at all, they are run the exact same way except Amway had a tangible product. but again, to have this general knowledge of finance is not hard to find or come across. Why do you think most elders on this website are saying keep away? They live reality and know what its like to work and manage their finance. Further, aside from my own research I have spoken to, and you know him too, Mr. Actuarial Science, cheech.. here is a guy with actual education on the topic and he can tell you the exact faults of the company based on the knowledge he has. To say I have no credibility is like saying a person who has not driven before has NO CONCEPT of the rules of the road. I apy attentions to my parents investments, I pay attention to where my money goes and is saved and the flucttuation of rates. I pay attention to the money Im going to need to invest with soon.. thats part of growing up. No I have not invested anything yet, but that does not mean I understand it. Fact is, name one company where people come onto forums and protect as if it was their life? Tell me why when you go into meetings their they have music and they all go nuts and clap and get all excited al the time? Why do thousands of people look at it as a cult? Because this is exactly what it does to people, it turns them into an employee who is over loyal and blind to the outside world. All that ever gets talked about in that place is how much money YOU wil make, how much money THEY make, how little money the "stupid slave people working in every job make" They flash around money and talk about millionaires to get people excited. they need to change their focus and stop making themselves look so silly with their cult like presentations. And if I have no knowledge on this topic: is it wrong that term insurance only lasts a term? Is it wrong that term insurance does not pay out whe you outlive the term? Is it wrong that whole life insurance pays out when you die? Is it wrong the insurance is meant for the beneficiaries? No, none of what I said is wrong. Also none of what I said about big box stores not being a pyramid is wrong, and nothing about primerica being a pyramid is wrong. I never talked about anything that isnt common knowledge... I dont understand how all of what I said could be wrong...