have been to 2 canadian tire outlets...no blades...I'm pretty sure other brand blades won't work.
I can't fi d online other than the states and Amazon,but Amazon I don't trust to send the right blades..
Does anyone know of a place that ships in ontario that carries jiffy 10" blades?
The owner let me bring all my stuff up there a few days early,on the day of closing the lawyer found a discrepensy on the deed and the whole thing fell apart..lost a few grand there.
So i got a spot in an rv park in temagami for the summer.
But i just signed the papers this morning for a waterfront in quebec on lake opasatica for a great price!!!
It doesnt close till august so id like to do some fishing in temagami for a bit
havs a trailer at happy holiday campground for the season and there are so many lakes around here!
If anyone has fishing experience in the area id truly appreciate a pm and some specirs info for the lakes close by.
I dont want to name any lakes cause i think its against the rules to ask info on small lakes on the general discussion
Any info would be invaluable
Just bought a place on shining tree Lake(west)
Not too much info on the lake either than the species of fish
Has anybody fished this lake,Miller lake or surrounding lakes?any info would be great!
Moving up there end of the month and plan on doing a ton of ice fishing!!!!!
I am interested in buying a vessel,I talked to a guy who said there is no boat ownership,just bill of sale and to register your numbers and name with transport Canada....is this true?
I've never owned a boat and am a layman