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About chazzbah

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    rochester ny

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  1. price range (weekley)# of rooms , you have any pics of the place
  2. caesers lodge.. goerge jr will do whatever it takes for his guest to be happy.we stayed @ hanotaux trophy outpost fly in lasy yr. he told us one of us whould catch a pike over 40 in.well he was right. biggest fish were a 42 in pike and my 26 1/2 in walleye. not bad.The gouin res is so big.. some of the open water was so big it took us 45 min to get o other side/ yes. you might see anotherboat or place on water but belive me.. its so big that the other boat will be a dot 10mi away.As for the 100 MI clova road going in.. it sucks but its all part of the trip. I would do anything to go back right now.we drove to the bear camp then flew to outpost camp. we had 6 of us. only 4 fit and it got too dark that night so me and my other buddy had to fly tothe home lodge for the night. It was closer.This was a Friday. We did not pay for Friday. They let us stay in the nicest place and fed us a great meal and got us back to our group in the mornig. Georges father flew us out and let me tell you. He was a guy I will never forget. A real bushman that will tell some good stories and maybe even give you some flyin lessons. Like I said.. they will bend over backwards for you. The fishing was just ok. We were the first out last yr. may 25-30 2007 and theice just moved out. We were a bit to early. But the beers stayed cold. Lucky we found some ice on shores. All in all it was a blast and we will be back.This yr we are going to domain portincourt. farther north to the east. Let me know if you need any info. GOOD FISHING CHARLIE
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