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NILS Master Lures

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Posts posted by NILS Master Lures

  1. 1 minute ago, misfish said:

    Red flags for spicy ones ?

    I would try wrapping in prosciutto as a substitute, instead of bacon .

    Yeah they were stuffed with a cheddar jalapeño cream cheese mixture. I think there were some diced green onions in there too. Can't quite remember the recipe.....

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  2. 6 minutes ago, Crimsongulf said:

    Cast iron is the most versatile cooking tool on the planet.  I keep my eye out on Facebook marketplace for them.  they can be used and abused and with just a relatively small amount of work they can be put back into service.

    Oh yeah for sure. I have a couple of new(er) ones and one that is probably 40 years old that was handed down to me. Use them all the time and love them for their consistent, radiant heat. 

    Just never used one to do a pizza in....yet! 😎

  3. Just now, Crimsongulf said:

    I use a stone made for the KJ.  I cheat and buy the pizza dough from Publix and then all fresh toppings.  Without the heat deflector I can get it to 600*.  I have a friend that uses a big cast iron skillet for pizza on the smoker.  this was one of his for the Super Bowl.

    Definitely better than take-out! I've heard about doing pizza in a cast iron skillet. Sounds cool. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Crimsongulf said:

    They are very versatile, homemade pizza ia killer on them.


    I would love to get one for the cottage but not finding one there I can justify the cost on so far.

    Do you use a pizza stone with the smoker to do pizzas? Or do you have another technique that works well?

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